Building the reef structure:
I have started playing with the building of the reef structure.
My intent is to have sand in the tank, but I want to keep the sand out of the bottom of the rock piles. After thinking about the barrier idea, I realize that it would not work well given the movement of the sand. So here is a new idea..... use flat land scaping rock as the base to build the rock structure on. This will keep the sand from going under the rock, and keep it accessible to the possibility of cleaning.
Here is the first attempt at putting one peice together. I drilled the flat base rock, and inserted a 1/2" CPC pipe in it. Drilled the rock peices and stacked them through the 1/2" pipe.
this was just a try to see how it would all work out. IN the final form my plan is to coat the bottom flat rock with rubble rock held by the thorite, and to hide the PVC with a coat of thorite.
1) I had trouble drilling rock without breaking it. What is the proper technique to drill rock. I am using a 5/8" masonary drill.
2) I could not find fiberglass rod in town, so I am currently using the CPVC pipe. I am thinking of trying out 1/2" acrylic rod.
3) I may or may not "glue" the stacked peices together. Will depend on the rigidity of the structure.