Oldtimer: Sorry forgot to let you know about that.
I bought the baseboard at The Tile Shop in Lombard. I bought all my tile there btw. They have a really great selection of high end tile there btw. Anyways the baseboard is vinyl and comes in lots of colors in 50 feet rolls. Also comes in rubber too I believe. You use vinyl cement to adhere it to the walls.
Basically take a large putty knife or trawl and slather the whole back of it, then slap it up, push tight and eject the excess out of the top and bottom. Go back with a rag and clean up the excess. You should be able to get it so just a little squishes out. This, in theory completely seals it to the floor and wall with no air gaps. I went back and caulked the top and bottom line and any joints because I'm anal.
Today I'm coating the chipboard that goes around the bottom of the stand that the panels will adhere to. I'm planing on using construction adhesive to adhere the chipboard to the stand, then using some 2x4's to frame around teh stand to add more strength, then adhering the finished panels to the chipboard with finishing nails/brads.
The chipboard is coated with some water resistant stuff, but I don't trust it. Its getting 3 coats of drylock.
The top of the tank is being lightly framed out (will have to coat the frame later with drylock from the inside.. ugh) and the top panels with the doors will affix to that.
I've put 1 coat of high moisture (flooring) poly on the back of the frames and doors, and I plan to do another coat tonight hopefully.