600 gallon plywood Down Grade!










I saw quite a few dwarf golden morays when I went diving. Apparently they're pretty common. When I told the divers how much they sold for, they thought they should go into collecting.
Well. Goodwin9 reminded me its been a few months since I posted on my tank. There have been a few changes to the system. I build a canopy for the display. In the refugium area I added a 110 gallon frag tank. I added it to grow out some sps frags, but some how live rock a huge clam and some Fish ended up in it.
The livestock are doing well right now. I'm starting to see some colour and growth of my sps. There was a period of die off of the sps. I started dripping more Kalk into the system and it seems to have resolved the problem. I'm not sure if its the extra calcium and alkalinity or the precipitation of phosphate, or both. I lost both my Gigas clams about a week apart a few months back. I was very dissapointed. I was leaving my window open a crack to vent the humidity, but I failed to notice the temp was goin down to 67 degrees at night. I think that may have been the cause of the clam death over a period of a few weeks.
The fish are doing well. Big Al the naso Annulatus is even bigger. I measured him at 20 inches. I have a fowlers tang and a Bariene tang in the 110 accluimating to my water. They've got a case of ich right, now, but are still eating well. Hopefully they will get through it.
I got my hands on a large plating acro to replace the clams Its shown good growth in the displacy, and coloured up some. I bought a huge Squamosa clam off a fellow reefer. It's probably the bigest clam I've ever seen in a hobbyists tank. I put it in the display, but the fish swimming over it were preventing it from opening fully. Iput it in the 110 for a few months til it gets used to the fish.

Here are some new photos








Wow just read through the whole thread. All of your tanks are amazing.

What is the size/type of that clam in your 48x48 tank? That thing is insanely huge.
Did you get the large Fowler Tang from northamerican, John sayed it was close to 12", if so can you get a pic of it.
Looks like Big Al has ich also. Maybe too big for the tank? Otherwise looks great.

Ya he has a few specs of ich. Never will amount to anything. Whenever a new fish enters the system I get a small outbreak. All the old-timers get over it pretty quick.

Als definately too big for the tank. I grew him from 1.5 inches so luckily he doesn't know any better. I have big plans for a big tank in a bigger house inthe near future. Of course there will be a build thread for that.
Wow just read through the whole thread. All of your tanks are amazing.

What is the size/type of that clam in your 48x48 tank? That thing is insanely huge.

Thanks. I think that clam is 18 to 20 inches. I was looking for large clams after I lost my two large gigas clams. I think their a great source of biofiltration in a tank system with lots of huge fishes. A fellow reefer said his was for sale. When I saw it I couldn't believe the size of it. It barely fit in one of those styrafoam shipping containers. It's the largest squamosa I've ever seen. I've had it since January. It's doing very well. Eventually I want to put it back in the 300 gallon.
Did you get the large Fowler Tang from northamerican, John sayed it was close to 12", if so can you get a pic of it.

Yes this is the one form NAFB. One of the healthiest fishes I've seen at this size being just shipped in. And of course John is very reasonable with his pricing. I'd say its about 8 inches realistically. Big Al will dwarf this fish. He came in eating and fat. His colours are fantastic. He's real friendly too, comes to the glas to be fed. He seems to be doing well, Hopefully he'll survive. I'll post pics when I get a chance.