Some people just don't get it.
I don't sell run of the mill frags on my site. I sell collector morphs. Mayor10, You registered March 2006. You should try and do more research on morphs. There have always been people that want to sell their common plain zoa's for higher prices because they have yet to understand what morphs are rare etc. It takes time, to be able to spot different morphs.
If you would have taken time to digest what you read in my post, you would see that I said: "For a while I sold them at $50 per polyp, and many had the opportunity to get them."
You could have figured out I have not only had 6 polyps in 4 years. When I say they do not grow I don't mean at all 100% stagnant. I mean they grow so slow you barely notice it.
You are missing the point, In this hobby there are casual reefers, and collectors. From a casual reefer's point of view $600 for a paly, $400 for a Purple Monster, $800 for an acant, $200 for a pink lemonaid 1/2" acro etc etc . is rediculous.
But for us collectors, we understand what makes morphs rare, and what differentiates these rare morphs from the rest. Many of these Rare "expensive" morphs grow very slow. But then again most people won't understand why collectors would want a 1/2" purple monster or oregon tort that grows at the rate of Frozen mollases. When an A. valida is bright purple and green and grows very fast.
The fact that there are rare morphs does not hurt the hobby, on the contrary, it gives the hobby a sense of excitement. And you proved it yourself,you got RPE's for $10 a colony. Why do you say huigher prices on higher demand corals hurts the hobby?
You mention my $15 RPE's if you would know RPE's where uncommon a couple years back. But see everyone in this hobby jumps to conclusion, I haven't had RPE's in almost 2 years (Not for any particular reason, I just prefer to grow other things) They are marked out of stock. and the $15 price was never updated since they where put out of stock almost two years ago. That you found RPE's for $10 is Great and I am happy for you. But now a days, they pop in LFS all over for $40 a colony and I have posted this on other threads before.
So instead of reaming someone $600 for a single polyp that likely will not multiply, how about GIVING (yep, I said that) someone a polyp to see if they have any success getting them to multiply. To me, that kind of practice is more in the lines of a Hobby...rather than a business.
You know once more, people in this hobby jump to conclusions. I would really like to know where you got that I have Not done this already?
I will name two well know reefers in the community that have gotten Envy oranges for Free from me.
Maximus and Chris Pasko.
Maximus, did not have better luck than I did in growing them, and he decided he'd rather sell them, which is fine.
But you see You have gone off claiming false things with knowing the fact, and in reality things like that is what ends up hurting the hobby.
Kindest Regards,