Scarlett Red-legs are the only ones I trust not to kill snails. They are also the most sedentary though, and do very little cleaning like the blue-legs and mexicans (snails, not people!). They usually spend all day hiding in the shadows.
I dont use hermits at all any more (or most any crab for that matter because of their tendency to kill other critters). I dont think they do much anyways, at least not anything a good snail can do, and to me they are just a reason for why the LFS gets to keep selling you snails. I use ceriths (multiply on their own), nassarius/super tongans, astrae, and nerites. Sometimes I have turbinarias and mexican turbos, but they arent needed.
As for shrimp, I wouldnt bother with anything other than skunks, unless you have some rock anemones that you need taking care of, then peppermints have their use. Most shrimps end up as feeders in the end, and fires, although being much heavier-duty then the others, are just as vulnerable when it comes time to molt. The fire shrimp are nice looking, but even when I had 6 of them, they still spent all day hiding behind rocks. They are not as 'flashy' as the skunk cleaners... they hide more than peppermints. For their high price, I expect more.
If you ever see something called a 'frilly arrow crab', grab it. Its not a nasty bugger like the usual arrow crab, but a delicate cleaner that wont even bother a neon goby. I have kept them in my nanos and some larger tanks, and they are model citizens, although rarely imported (you usually see them in spring though). They are very, very cool to watch and keep though... they even swim in the water like feather-stars do. They are technically a decorator/spider crab, but they only decorate themselves with filament algaes if they find it.
Otherwise Ive sworn off using hermits as well as sally-lightfoots, emeralds, and others. Oh, wait, I take that back... I do keep porcelain crabs in my desktop nano with sexy shrimp and a neon goby... but they are much too small for a tank this size.