Christmas wrasses are sooooo freakin' cool. I had a friend with one that had to give it up because it was picking on something else, I think the fairy wrasses.
I wouldnt bother with the bangii's either, like jnarowe said... they tend to hide alot, and they also like to nip at each other, and at sailfin tangs believe it or not!!! I had one rip the dorsal fin off of a yellow tang once.
The rainfordi's are nice, and if you get 6 or more, they will form a pack... a school of sorts, that rummages throughout the bottom like a schooling catfish group. A 6-line would have them for lunch though.... too similar to a wrasse to be left alone. FWIW, I would skip a wrasse for now all together. If you desire a 6-line type, also consider a 4-line wrasse then... a little less nasty with the shrimp and other wrasses... but still, I would add wrasses last, along with any other more agressive fish, as you want them to set up shop after everything else, or you will have a bully on your hands when you add other fish. That yellow coris wrasse, fairy wrasses, etc would be alright for now since they arent as nasty, but I can understand not wanting them right now.
As for the neons... dont bother in a tank that large... they will just become overflow fodder.
And pseudochromis? Are you nuts? Lol... just kidding, but like I said before, add them last if anything. For now you could get some less agressive basslets though... royal grammas and their type are not nasty like pseudos and dottybacks.
This would be a good time to add the chromis if ever, gobies as well. Perhaps a sand-sifter like an engineer or yellow-head, or even a plain yellow watchman. Dartfish would also do well now... firefish, bar, scissortail, etc. You could also add blennies now, but Im not a big blenny fan... they tend to nip my clams.