600gal (96x48x30)

Well I am putting together a new fish / invert list...

I am looking at the following...

Potters Angel
Flame Angel
Scooter Blenny
Firefish Goby
Rainfordi Goby
Royal Gramma
Niger trigger
Magnificent Foxface
A few Yellow and Purple Tangs
Sailfin tang (Red Sea) AKA : Desjardini
PowderBlue Tang
Achilles Tang
Exquisite Wrasse

Inverts :
Peppermint shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Mexican Turbo Snails

Does anyone see anything questionable with the above listed livestock, if so why ?? Also do you see something that could be added that would benifit the over all system ??

The system will be BB with 4x6200s and 2x6100s...
I've had a flame angel in the past and it nipped at everything except zoos, so it was sent to the pound (aka traded for frags). Now I have a potters and he does the exact same thing, but this time I'd rather have the fish over the coral b/c he's so beautiful.
Well now you are just inviting a heated debate aren't you! :D

I would reconsider the Mexican Turbos. They are not really a desireable invert in that they are from cooler water than what your reef will be kept at. I admit I have quite a few of them, but it was my first invert purchase and I didn't have much knowledge about them. Also please note that while they mow down the HA like a John Deer on roids, they also excrete massive amounts of poo. Piles upon piles...

Yellow and purple tangs can be trouble and I lost my second yellow last week do to the ganging up of another yellow and a purple on the victim. Sailfins are cool but keep in mind they get very large and can also be fairly agressive.

I can't really comment on the gobies and personally I stay away from the angel family. I would highly recommend a lawnmower blenny as they are extremely active and help keep the tank tidy. I would also look into bristletooth tangs as they actually eat detritus as well as algae.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8585477#post8585477 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarletknight06
I've had a flame angel in the past and it nipped at everything except zoos, so it was sent to the pound (aka traded for frags). Now I have a potters and he does the exact same thing, but this time I'd rather have the fish over the coral b/c he's so beautiful.

What kind of corals did you keep ?? I am looking to have mostly LPS and softies with a few SPS... Also when you say nip, do you mean just a peck here and there or would it go to town on your corals ??
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8585516#post8585516 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
Well now you are just inviting a heated debate aren't you! :D

I would reconsider the Mexican Turbos. They are not really a desireable invert in that they are from cooler water than what your reef will be kept at. I admit I have quite a few of them, but it was my first invert purchase and I didn't have much knowledge about them. Also please note that while they mow down the HA like a John Deer on roids, they also excrete massive amounts of poo. Piles upon piles...

Yellow and purple tangs can be trouble and I lost my second yellow last week do to the ganging up of another yellow and a purple on the victim. Sailfins are cool but keep in mind they get very large and can also be fairly agressive.

I can't really comment on the gobies and personally I stay away from the angel family. I would highly recommend a lawnmower blenny as they are extremely active and help keep the tank tidy. I would also look into bristletooth tangs as they actually eat detritus as well as algae.

LOL no I am not looking for any heated debates...

I plan on keeping my tank around 78ish, lowest being 77deg to a flux of no more then like 2-3deg... I am pretty sure I have read that the Mexican Turbos were the best all around snails, but I could be wrong...

I was thinking about having 3 of each (Yellow and Purple)... I have read that they get along fine when 3+...

I already have a Lawnmower Blenny that is in my current tank, He will be moved over as well (may get a second one)... I will take a second look at a Bristletooth Tang...
i like the stocking list, personally i haven't had much luck mixing a group of yellow tangs, even when i had 3, they would always fight. perhaps in a tank like yours this would not occur.
the potters picks at everything except zoos and euphyllia type LPS (hammer, frogspawn, torch). He nips at several digi's and caps I have (not all though) and those frags/colonies have no polyp extension during the day, only at night. If I move the frags around, he seems to forget for a week or to that he can eat them, but then he gets right back to it.
check with BrianPlankis about the snails. As far as the yellow tangs go, I was under the same assumption and got 3. Now there's one...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8590301#post8590301 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
check with BrianPlankis about the snails. As far as the yellow tangs go, I was under the same assumption and got 3. Now there's one...

Thanks jnarowe...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8585647#post8585647 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas

I already have a Lawnmower Blenny that is in my current tank, He will be moved over as well (may get a second one)... I will take a second look at a Bristletooth Tang...

Hey Shawn, I have a Bristle Tooth,
He is a sweet fish, does a wonderful job at keeping the rocks clean and works on the glass to. How ever he also worked my Lawnmower Blenny over. I have had two different types. The ones with the Eyelashes and a Hawaiian Lawn Mower Blenny.
And in both cases it was just a matter of time before he took them out. When I set up the 240 system he may be getting moved to a different tank. I'm not giving him up, because I like him to much, and he was my first unique fish.
I think they both go after the same food types and the Bristle Tooth is way stronger than the Blenny. IMO
Hey Shawn,

Glad to see your on your way now. Can't wait to see this tank fully stocked. A guy with the patience you have must create a great tank!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8572728#post8572728 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
My main concern is the water that might remain stagnant in the columns... I am not sure how well it would get circulated...

The solution is very easy. Simply drill holes in the pipe. A few quarter inch holes will not effect the strength of the pipe and will allow the water to flow in and out.

To easy.........;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8608628#post8608628 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RonBuck
Hey Shawn,

Glad to see your on your way now. Can't wait to see this tank fully stocked. A guy with the patience you have must create a great tank!

LOL, I am not sure if I am a very patient person... I am just trying to take my time to get everything right the first time :) I just hope my tank looks 1/2 as good as others on here...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8609075#post8609075 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CaveManNOhio
The solution is very easy. Simply drill holes in the pipe. A few quarter inch holes will not effect the strength of the pipe and will allow the water to flow in and out.

To easy.........;)

That crossed my mind but I didn't do it... Now they are in place with 350+ lbs on them, so they can stay :p
Well the 4x 250w MH are installed and wired... Just with the initial test they seem more then bright enough as people in the past said on a tank this large / deep I would need at least 400w... Its only going to get brighter when add the 8x T5s... But so far I am very happy and can't wait until I get the T5s installed and wired tomorrow...

I will try to get pics tomorrow...
Well here are the pics...





If you look at the first pics the far left side of the tank (left most bulb) it does not look as "blue" as the other 3 bulbs... all 4 are brand new and running on Icecaps...