600gal (96x48x30)

I would imagine a MONSTER UV would be required to run that system with any efficiency, especially during this period. I don't honestly know if the benefits would outweigh the costs.

I would hope the skimmer is all kinds of nasty at this point.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8733158#post8733158 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cward
Is your skimmer pulling anything out?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8733177#post8733177 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RokleM
I would imagine a MONSTER UV would be required to run that system with any efficiency, especially during this period. I don't honestly know if the benefits would outweigh the costs.

I would hope the skimmer is all kinds of nasty at this point.

Yes, the skimmer is pulling a good amount out; I still need to "tweak" it as I like to run a little wet, and right now its coming out kinda dry... Just last night I dumped the cup and cleaned it, should have taken some pics, it was pretty nasty looking…
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8733225#post8733225 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clekchau
i was looking into a uv for a tank the exact same size and it was over $700

Umm, I think I will pass then... I never looked at one in the past because I knew they were pretty exp, one reason I went with Ozone...
For a UV sterilizer on your system, you would probably be looking at the E80S:

I say turn out the lights for a few days and just wait it out. It is just a part of the natural cycle. There was an elevation of "x" nutrient. So the waterborne algae multiplied to consume that nutrient. Now that it has been consumed, the waterborne alge will die and be skimmed out. Some of it will decompose in the tank producing "y" nutrient and the next algae will multiply to consume this and the cycle goes on, each time the bloom gets smaller and smaller. I also agree that water changes would help speed things up. But what is really going to hurt you is running your lights.


Travis, just the person I wanted to talk with :)

Right now on the BK400 I have the black dots lined up and it’s pulling dry... I would like to pull a little wet but when I turn both dots (the say way to match) like 45deg or so I sill have bubbles in the riser tube but not enough to over flow into the cup... Do I need to adjust the drains higher with the telescopic feature in order to skim wet ??
I never touch my drain height. I just use the wedge pipe adjustment to adjust the water level inside the skimmer. Does the external version have wedge pipes? If not, then you need to adjust the water level by raising your drain pipes. I run mine with the bubbles popping right at the surface of the riser in the collection cup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8734494#post8734494 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Travis
I never touch my drain height. I just use the wedge pipe adjustment to adjust the water level inside the skimmer. Does the external version have wedge pipes? If not, then you need to adjust the water level by raising your drain pipes. I run mine with the bubbles popping right at the surface of the riser in the collection cup.

Ok, I didn’t think I had to touch the drain height... Yes I have wedge pipes... When the two black dots are lined up on each pipe its wide open, So when I turn them say 45deg, I would be closing the drain thus making the water in the skimmer raise, it does seem to raise some but not very much... Where do you have your black dots aligned ?? When I get home tonite I will play around with it some more (closeing the drains more), I have been hesitant as I have been working the past few days, or not been home and I want to be home so I can monitor it do that I don't over adjust and overflow the cup, I almost did that on my H&S skimmer... Then again its alot smaller unit and only one drain pipe, not two. The adjustments on it would need to be alot smaller compared to the BK...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8734850#post8734850 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Andrew
Sweet tang. If I wasn't going to spend my money on a larger skimmer, I would get one.

In your 75gal ?? This one would not fit LOL, the pic makes him look small, he’s at least 10" from noise to tail and with his fins spread I would say he is about 9" tall... So an 10x9 oval...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8735473#post8735473 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
In your 75gal ?? This one would not fit LOL, the pic makes him look small, he’s at least 10" from noise to tail and with his fins spread I would say he is about 9" tall... So an 10x9 oval...

I would get a smaller one. I'm going to get a large tank this summer for our basement anyways.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8736411#post8736411 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clekchau
10" ? wow what a big fish, where did you get him from ?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8729612#post8729612 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
I have a friend who lives in CA (school) and he picked it up for me and shipped it...
Do you happen to recall where in your thread the lighting specifics are ? :). I read a couple of pages before the split up to where we are now, so I know you are using 4 250W 14k MHs and 8 54W T5s (half actinic half blue plus). I saw mention of Icecap ballasts, was that for the T5s or the MH ? or both ? More to my question, what ballast are you using for the MH ? and what reflectors ? (they look like LAIIIs).

The reason I ask is that we are in the final stages of getting the base and stand work done for our tank, which is 78x48x25, so you can see why I am interested in how others chose to light a 4' tank :)

Thanks in advance, and great looking tank/setup !! :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8736908#post8736908 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sparkss
so I know you are using 4 250W 14k MHs and 8 54W T5s (half actinic half blue plus). I saw mention of Icecap ballasts, was that for the T5s or the MH ? or both ? More to my question, what ballast are you using for the MH ? and what reflectors ? (they look like LAIIIs).

The reason I ask is that we are in the final stages of getting the base and stand work done for our tank, which is 78x48x25, so you can see why I am interested in how others chose to light a 4' tank :)

Thanks in advance, and great looking tank/setup !! :D

That is correct, I am using 4x 250w 14k Ham in LAIIIs on IceCap ballasts... For the 8x T5s (4x 54W Blue Plus T5 HO Fluorescent and 4x 54W Actinic Plus T5 HO Fluorescent) I picked up a 8-54W retro kit from reefgeek.com and asked for the IceCap SLR T5 Reflectors upgrade and those are running on 2x IceCap 660 ballasts as well... All 6 ballests are electronic, and running 54w T5s on an IceCap ballest they are overpowered to about 80w each...

If you need any more info please let me know...

As you have seen a few pages back, here are a few accurate shots...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8639082#post8639082 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by asnatlas
These shots are alot more accurate...

Actinic+, Blue+, and MH


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8737179#post8737179 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sparkss
how high off of the water is it to the bottom of the reflectors ?

I will have to get back with you on that... When I get home from work tonite I will take some measurements...
Thanks Shawn, your build thread has been a great help so far to our efforts. It has been much appreciated. At least you no longer have that overtly negative person posting any more, which is a great relief to the rest of us (who have jobs and lives and take more than a weekend to get a large tank setup :)).
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8738463#post8738463 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Sparkss
Thanks Shawn, your build thread has been a great help so far to our efforts. It has been much appreciated. At least you no longer have that overtly negative person posting any more, which is a great relief to the rest of us (who have jobs and lives and take more than a weekend to get a large tank setup :)).

The bottom of the reflectors are about 6" from the top of the tank...

I am glad that this thread has been helpful for you...