6025 broke again, am I the only one?


New member
I have two 6025's, and each has already been sent in to Tunze to be repaired (or replaced, not sure what they did) after the center steel shaft snapped. Well, I've had one back for maybe about a year, and the same thing happened again. Has this been a recurring problem? or am I just unlucky? I have some other much much cheaper pumps running constantly for 3 years without any problems. Thoughts?
The only thing that could cause this is the older stainless steel shaft versus the new titanium alloy shaft, it would be really unusual to get a stainless steel shaft on a replacement unless the replacement was done 2 years ago, that is about when we switched shafts. If the shaft came out instead of breaking, this is possible on a pump made about 12-18 months ago as the seat for the shaft wasn't as stiff as it is now. About the only other thing I can think of is that pumps made about 18 months ago that had the metal disk, while unusual, it is possible for the disk to saw through the shaft if some fine sand is in the pump, it spins with the sand and acts like a cutter wheel. I would need your name to look up any further details of what was replaced or repaired.