6100 replacement


Roger, after more than ten years of great service one of my 6100 electronic streams has died. Am I correct in thinking the current replacement would be a 6105 stream? Also, will my 7904 controller control a 6105 stream? Thanks, Mike
A 7094 will run a 6105, that is the current equivalent. Do keep in mind that a 7094 would be nearing 10 years old itself and it could fail soon, this won't be because of the upgrade but simply because the relays and switches have a finite life, after so many cycles they can and do fail. The newer controllers are solid state and last much longer, I honestly don't see many 7094's that still work.
Thanks Roger! I have a spare 7094 so I'll run one till failure, than get a 7095. BTW, I also asked this question in an e-mail to you. The email now is redundant, and need not be answered, thanks, Mike