Today I performed my weekly water change. My wife and I went to the LFS to get water and I was bummed as they had so many nice mini colonies. Due to a tight budget none were feasible today... One can dream though!
I spent quite a while today pulling algae, moving some things around, and fragging my first coral!
I moved the frogspawn to the left side of the tank to fill the void over there. I also put the Miami orchid frag up in the rock work between my Slimer, Turaki, and unknown. The clowns were not happy about me messing with their home and they bit me constantly haha. I wish I could find a good spot for my valida as it is pretty close to my torch. I will have to move it soon. Here are a couple pictures:
The Frags
Orchid frag
New frogspawn location
I spent quite a while today pulling algae, moving some things around, and fragging my first coral!
I moved the frogspawn to the left side of the tank to fill the void over there. I also put the Miami orchid frag up in the rock work between my Slimer, Turaki, and unknown. The clowns were not happy about me messing with their home and they bit me constantly haha. I wish I could find a good spot for my valida as it is pretty close to my torch. I will have to move it soon. Here are a couple pictures:

The Frags

Orchid frag

New frogspawn location