thank you, i can't imagine how long it would take to read from the beginning.
About 8 hours over the last two days, didn't skip to the end and had to know how it turned out so was up at 4am this morning finishing the journey.
what kind of corals did you keep and what do you mean by minimalist approach? what did you not have?
800lbs live rock (500 in display and 300 in 200gal sump), 6' tall air driven skimmer and weekly 10% water changes. no additives, no fancy controllers, no remote sandbeds or refugiums etc. I will post up a build thread in the next couple weeks when I have some more days off, don't know what happened to these days off :hmm4: currently there are only a couple anemones as there is a couple fish that have taken a liking to any corals that enter the system, there are a couple small pieces of montipora and some pocillipora that are tucked out of the way and doing well, albeit small as they keep getting nipped back.
i might put a couple new corals in the tank this weekend, corals from my friend karm40 which he has to thin out they are growing so well in his tank.
it has been many months since any new corals have been added.