700g in the mix-

7-05-07 fts pic and assorted others-









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thanks guys-a new additional calcium reactor will soon be added-plus a new skimmer is in the works also,looking to overskim some-the H&S A300 is working good, but I should have gone bigger considering my water and fish volume.
Joe is a great guy and the tank looks much nicer in person. You guys all need to see this tank in person when you are in Vegas. Don't forget to have him show you the equipment room. And he also has the most amazing Oregon Tort.
Love the thread man looking really good what are your calcium and Alk demands on your reactor?
neyugn0w01-you have a great family,thanks for the compliments and encouragement on my tank

Asmodeus-My tank has a hard time getting over 380 with Kalk and a streaming pf1001 deltec at this time-thanks for the good words about my thread, not the most popular,but it was fun to look back on and put together.
Great looking tank, its weird how some threads attract rediculous attending while others remain largely ignored. Very nice setup though and you have some beautiful corals, enojy.
beautiful! i am finding this section of the forums making me a bit jealous! my tank looks so small now. I am moving into a new place soon and when i do, i am going to upgrade to a big tank, but for now I will just have to admire yours.
Thank you much-

acropora nut-not everyone gets to be TOTM-thanks Mike

thirschmann-thank you for the post,alot of work went into my system,any and all recognition is appreciated

Leilani57-I am greatful for your admiration

Nyvp-thank you for stopping in Joe,I want my skimmer to grow up to be like yours-