75 gallon rebuild thread.


New member
So i've think i've finally managed to convince rhodes to let me set up a reef system for our biology department. They have a very limited budget, so we're hopefully buying a setup from someone in oxford this weekend. 75 gallon display with 75 gallon sump & 75 gallon mangrove tank.

I was wondering if anyone had any 5 gallon buckets we could use during the move. Although it is supposedly a complete setup, there is very little liverock, and I'd like to purchase some more pest free lr or even just dry base rock for the tank.

I'm pretty excited about this. hopefully i'll be successful in starting up a aquaria enthusiast club here on campus, once i get this tank setup.

I'll just use this thread for pictures of the progress.

Any advice, livestock, frags, or equipment donation would all be very much appreciated if anyone has something left over theyd like to donate.

once everythings all setup, our club will try to reciprocate the kindness of wtmrac members.

I have some powerheads you can have they are small like a korila 1 and another small one. You will have to get them from hoot213. Frags I got a few things I can frag off a couple of zoas xenia and probably some other leathers. I might have a protein skimmer that we aren't using I will have to double check though we might hold on to that one.
Anything that involves animals at Rhodes has to be approved by the Rhodes Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
If you agree to allow the bio dept to use some of your inverts during their animal diversity lab (a one week lab and the animals would be on display only) they might cough up a few bucks to help you purchase livestock. Contact Dr. C. Jaslow who is the interim chair of the dept and see if she's willing.
If you agree to allow the bio dept to use some of your inverts during their animal diversity lab (a one week lab and the animals would be on display only) they might cough up a few bucks to help you purchase livestock. Contact Dr. C. Jaslow who is the interim chair of the dept and see if she's willing.


Is this professor jay blundon by any chance?

I've actually gotten the department's approval already. I'm a sophmore and I take care of all the fishtanks in FJ. I've already set up a glasscatfish tank for last week's diversity lab. And I wrote a proposal to C. Jaslow on wednesday, and miraculously got it approved on friday for a go ahead...

I've spent the WHOLE day today setting it up, and im only 80% done as of right now.. left rhodes at 8am for oxford, and got back at 530... I'll post pictures soon, when were done...
so far no casualties yet..