750 L reef tank from israel

I do agree that you are polite and this thread is not for political issue. But I do not agree with you with what you said "by the way sinai used to be israely land untill we gave it to egypt as a peace agreament"
I do agree that you are polite and this thread is not for political issue. But I do not agree with you with what you said "by the way sinai used to be israely land untill we gave it to egypt as a peace agreament"

my dear friend you can belive in any thing you want you can even belive that the world is flat
but there is facts every one knows them and i shered a video with you that you can also see some facts but as i said you will never agree with me as all the muslims in the world they just want to belive what ever they want to belive

Unfortunately because of people like you
that are Living in their own reality and not wiling to accept facts we are in constent war with the muslime world

so is there really a point for this conversation
here is something a little more interesting than politics :)









my monti recovering after the nudibranchs that allmost killed it

Great setup, and a class act (Sinai) :)


thank you !:thumbsup:

Great setup, and a class act (Sinai) :)

Having success with your wrasses?

about the wrasses
well i got somthing like 6 yellow ones
and one six line
and one ireedis or somthing like that ireadis maybe (sorry about my spelling )
well most of the yellow wrasses had died only 3 Survived
and the six line Survived
after 2-3 weeks it lookes like they had killed the parasite that i had in my tank
but this Nudibranch had succeeded killing me 3 monti like in this pic :mad2:


at start i didnt know what is going on with this corals why they r bleaching when all other corals around them r ok
when i tolk them out i saw that they where coverd with eggs and grown Nudibranch ,i tryed to deep the corals but it was to late for the corals they just kept bleaching untill nothing left of them
about my big monti
ill try to upload a pic that demonstrates what this Nudibranch had done to this plate monti
but the Bottom line They got the bastards an for now there is no sign for them in the tank
As a muslim jew are my best friends if they leave the israel politics out of our relationship.
The fact you know and I know that Israel is the Arabs land. I do have jew Iranian friends and also jew from Yamane friends and in US they all argue with Israel which this land for the Arabs Muslims. Last weekend a Rabbi from Seattle Jew church came to our Mosque and speak about that Israel going to disappear.
Reefcentral.com is not the place to say your opinion about Israel this web for reef hoppy and if you have question or pics to share that well be good.
The Youtube vid that you post I watched all and does not make since. I can post thousands of Youtubes vid about Israelis terrorists if you want?
Salali please just stop this already! I don't want to see this great tank build thread shut down due to this nonsense. This is the reason I have not reported you. Please do not respond on this thread again unless it has something to do with reef tanks. Thank you.
Amanda who did start this? who start the politics? and if you want to report on me not him just do it I am not going to stop because he started

Reef Central is not the place
Salali please just stop this already! I don't want to see this great tank build thread shut down due to this nonsense. This is the reason I have not reported you. Please do not respond on this thread again unless it has something to do with reef tanks. Thank you.

amanda and danno14 thank you !

salali ok.... if youll feel better you can think what ever you want
that israel is not ours and it should be arab land and that we kill arabs
you can even think that we eat arabs after we kill them
and you can think we kill arabs for fun
if you would just know the Truth
and Not what the media shows you
Your opinion may have been defrent
but you are arab and Since you have been a kid they teach you to hate Israel
So no wonder you're acting like this

Bottom line was nice to meet you.......... goodbye !!!
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Having success with your wrasses?

hey danno
as i I promised
here is a pic Before the Nudibranch had munchd on my monti and a pic somthing like a month after

Now you can see things r getting better and the monti starts to recover after i got this wrasses they did some Nudibranch cleaning




Hi, if I wanted to buy this dosing pump, what do I need to run them. I not really DIY person.

Thank you.

All you need is
a Transformer of 6V or 12V Dependent how many mil you want to dose
and a regular Timer -that will Determine how many mil by its operating time
and you got yourself a dossing system :thumbsup::thumbsup:

There's the link I've attachd , you can contact them and they gladly will answer all of your technical questions
ill try to upload my sketch when it will be ready
Great thread, and fantastic build, dragonfish. My ex-girlfriend used to keep arowanas, so I know how expensive they can be. Don't worry about the costs of reefkeeping, at some point if you kept arowanas you'd have found yourself wanting some uber-rare one that'd cost you a few thousand dollars just for the fish... LOL

Anyway, great build, and good job comporting yourself with class. Nice having you on RC.
Great thread, and fantastic build, dragonfish. My ex-girlfriend used to keep arowanas, so I know how expensive they can be. Don't worry about the costs of reefkeeping, at some point if you kept arowanas you'd have found yourself wanting some uber-rare one that'd cost you a few thousand dollars just for the fish... LOL

Anyway, great build, and good job comporting yourself with class. Nice having you on RC.

thank you my dear friend !!!
yea arowana can be very very expensive if you start getting the rare ones

have a happy new year :)
All you need is
a Transformer of 6V or 12V Dependent how many mil you want to dose
and a regular Timer -that will Determine how many mil by its operating time
and you got yourself a dossing system :thumbsup::thumbsup:

There's the link I've attachd , you can contact them and they gladly will answer all of your technical questions
ill try to upload my sketch when it will be ready

Thank you.

I like to see your when it is ready and it is interesting when we can get nice and simple dosing pump and can save some money.