9002 skimmer needle wheel or pump replcement.


Hello there,

I have the 9002 nano skimmer (very happy customer) and have just about given up on looking for a replacement needle wheel. I would even purchase a new pump if the needle wheels are no longer available.

Where can I purchase some these specific parts? Maybe I am looking in the wrong place on the parts index webpage.

Kind regards,

I believe my skimmer is at least 3 years old. I recall reading a post that mentioned the tunze 9002 skimmers pump was changed a couple years back.
The 9002 uses a standard impeller, there is no needlewheel. If your pump is 0800.040, you need impeller 0800.042, there will be a sticker on the pump with the model info. If it is 1073.008 you need impeller 1073.082. These parts can be ordered on tunze.com.
Hahahaha I call anything that spins, in the water, a needle wheel.

Sponsor forums come through once again! Thanks a bunch.


1st- thanks for all the help.

After looking at pumps 0800.040 and 1073.008 on the website, I think I may have the 0800.040. With that being said, can I purchase the 1073.008 and get a proper fit in my 9002 skimmer?

I am holding off on looking at my pump's sticker and identifying my model number (as you suggested) because once I turn the skimmer off its tough to get it back up and running. It requires 3 hands and a lot of patients. I'm unsure what the real problem is. To get it back up and running I fiddle with the impeller and keep the skimmer on its side until water starts pumping through. Then once the pump is running I can stand the skimmer upright and everything runs properly (i think) until it is shut off again. I found this out through trial and error. I don't understand why it works, just that it does.

Hope you can help,


The 9002 uses a standard impeller, there is no needlewheel. If your pump is 0800.040, you need impeller 0800.042, there will be a sticker on the pump with the model info. If it is 1073.008 you need impeller 1073.082. These parts can be ordered on tunze.com.
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You have to get the same model of pump you had originally. They won't interchange as the baffling and mount for each pump is different. It is very likely the impeller is just broken. Usually what causes this is the base of the impeller shears off (under the magnet). This effectively decouples the magnet and propeller so the propeller can sit still while the magnet spins.