I have not updated this thread because I was waiting to find a resolution to a problem that I have. About two weeks ago I woke up to the following:
A closeup:
I estimate that 250g had already drained from the tank, by the time I discovered it. My wife and I jumped into action. She grabbed the mop and started pushing the water outside through the "barn doors". I Grabbed one of the pumps I had lying around and hooked up a flex line to discharge the rest of the water in the tank. We also placed a bucket under the stream and emptied that every 5 to 10 minutes.
It took about three hours to finish draining the water and clean up. The floor was dried using the mop and a heavy duty shop vac. There is a silver lining to this. The display room is a converted garage and the laminate flooring is the original glue type. This floor is practically waterproof, so the leaked water ran to two edges and then drained down to the garage floor, which has a drain. This explains to me why we only had to clean up about 50g tops of the water. I had assessor over to look for water damage and there is basically none. I am very glad, and very fortunate, that I used the garage room, and not one of the main house rooms. The water damage to the house would have been very high.
Once we were done the cleanup, I sent an email to the builder and the company owner called me first thing that morning. We discussed the situation and I sent him a number of photos. I removed most of the sand and found the floor pane had cracked from one end of the tank to the other.
The first thing I want to say is that I have not, and will not, point fingers at anybody. There is a lot that can happen to glass from the manufacture of the panes to the final installation. I will, however, commend the the owner who immediately stepped up to remedy the situation.
We talked about a number of ways to fix it and in the end, we agreed to add a new floor pane over the existing glass base. The builder is shipping the glass to me, then will fly here and install it. The glass is currently in transit and I should have it in the next day or two. Hopefully, I will be back on the build next weekend.
That, in a nutshell, is how life sometimes happens. I was thinking that if I were 30 years younger, I would most likely still be upset. However, I know things happen, and this is one of those things. The builder responded immediately with a promise to fix it, in the least painful way, and that is currently happening.