Lol---I'm so old-fashioned; I use a little notebook and pen kept with the testing supplies in a box.
I'm happy to see people making progress. It IS slow to correct a situation. I have the parameters listed in a sticky up top, should they be hard to ferret out of a thread. Keep your own records on your tank, and you'll begin to see visually how they change, how fast they change, and therefore you'll know what affects your tank---I also write down changes I've made in the tank---and how fast it affects it. It's sort of like learning the controls on a new car. Once you really know how your individual tank responds to doses, you'll begin to do it automatically.
Curiously so many people are antsy about corals and think a coral tank is hard, but as you get more adept at this, you may find they're a help: fish just swim along looking happy, then roll over when the situation goes catastrophic; but corals shrivel and look unhappy when things are mildly off, sort of like a warning saying "something's off! Test, please!" so you can fix it. You won't spend your lives testing daily or close to it, but establishing a regimen where you, say, test on a given day...that's going to save you a lot of lost fish and problems. Likewise---if you develop good habits like testing, dosing, then testing again in 8 hours, you will know whether you did enough or too much. Controllers and dosers are lovely, but basic knowledge of the hands-on chemistry will make sure the person running the machinery really, really understands what's going on chemically.
If you are dosing out-of-parameter water with a problem---you dose mag first (the chemical abbreviation is mg) to 'steady' the water. Then you dose dkh buffer, which solves the ph/alkalinity balance, until it's spot-on: the alkalinity governs the ability of calcium to dissolve properly. Then you dose the calcium last: muscle, bone, and shells all depend on calcium for action and durability: good calcium level means healthy fish, happy corals, and good skeleton and shells.
What I use: a refractometer, no particular brand; Salifert tests for alk, cal, mg; nitrate; and some ordinary swimming pool test strips for ammonia; I have the phosphate test but that's rarely an issue: if you have green algae, you have an excess of phosphate, but it's IN the algae so a test won't read it. I don't test that unless I start seeing green in the dt. Test it once and kind of know you can test it if you need to. For supplements I use Kent brand: Kent DKH Alkalinity Buffer; Kent Turbo Calcium; Kent Tech-M [mg] and, for kalk supplement in the ro/di reservoir, Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime --- no joke. It's lime, from limestone, a calcium provider. If you do not keep stony corals or clams you don't need kalk; but if you do, it's a very nice down-and-dirty way to feed them until kalk is no longer enough for them. THEN you go to a calcium reactor. You also don't dose kalk in a new tank: it's when you get two or three actively growing stony coral you find your parameters won't stay stable and the reason is the stony coral is sucking calcium like mad. Which is a good thing. THat's when you start using kalk.