The supplements (alk, cal, mg) come with instructions on the containers. Follow those instructions; and when they say teaspoon, they do not mean the teaspoon you eat with: get a dedicate set of kitchen measuring spoons (cheap plastic) and when you measure a teaspoon, level the powder off to the rim of the spoon: a knife blade can do this. Likewise 'cup' means measuring cup. Same rule.
Fix the mg first, then the alk, then the cal.
Always keep the lid on powders of any sort: and keep it tight. If salt or a buffer has turned to a brick, it may have ruined the buffer capacity (its usefulness in chemistry). If you do open a fresh container and find it hardened, take it back to the store and demand one that isn't. As with things in your fridge, chemicals can expire in usefulness---due to moisture.
Fix the mg first, then the alk, then the cal.
Always keep the lid on powders of any sort: and keep it tight. If salt or a buffer has turned to a brick, it may have ruined the buffer capacity (its usefulness in chemistry). If you do open a fresh container and find it hardened, take it back to the store and demand one that isn't. As with things in your fridge, chemicals can expire in usefulness---due to moisture.