A few of my SPS

Thanks for support guys. The camera is a Nikon d3200 - nothing fancy but smarter than me. I bought the display model on a discounted price at Costco on a whim - not sure this is the right camera for me.

That is a very decent model. My Nikon D70 is like 10 years old, but I still get some decent shots with it. Will look into the model and instructions over the weekend. If you can post a few images, I will look into where you can improve; most likely, it will be white balance.
First you rip Mike's pics to pieces and now you're already slagging Greg's images before he's even taken a pic.............. :rolleye1:

I don't care that you're useless with a camera that even a chimpanzee could capture good images with Greg, i will be offering nothing but encouragement unlike mr nasty........ :thumbsup:

- see that Sahin, it's not hard to be nice mate....
First you rip Mike's pics to pieces and now you're already slagging Greg's images before he's even taken a pic.............. :rolleye1:

I don't care that you're useless with a camera that even a chimpanzee could capture good images with Greg, i will be offering nothing but encouragement unlike mr nasty........ :thumbsup:

- see that Sahin, it's not hard to be nice mate....

Biggles, you are a Sly Fox. Veiled slagging of Greg's photographic ability...:facepalm:

Not everyone is into photoenhancing and food colouringup of SPS corals Mr Sly Fox.

I'm sure with a bit of practice with the new camera Greg will be taking great photos. :thumbsup:
Do you have any idea of how long it takes me to hand touch up every single acro polyp after i take a browner top down........ it's an art !

I'm sure with a bit of practice with the new camera Greg will be taking great photos. :thumbsup:

Meaning what exactly Sahin ?, that Greg's pics now are crap so he needs practice before he even starts. How do you know he hasn't got the hang of it already - miracles do happen you know !

Sorry for the off topic Greg but someone's gotta pull him up and i won't have him slagging your pics mate :thumbsup:
I have the D3100 and it took a bit to get used to it. Assuming yours is similar to mine ...

One thing that helped me was to choose the neutral picture control and then set white balance to shade, press the right arrow and move the manual adjustment all the way to the right. This made for pics with a constant white balance that needed less adjustment.

I'm still not sure if Active D lighting effects RAW photos or not.
I have the D3100 and it took a bit to get used to it. Assuming yours is similar to mine ...

One thing that helped me was to choose the neutral picture control and then set white balance to shade, press the right arrow and move the manual adjustment all the way to the right. This made for pics with a constant white balance that needed less adjustment.

I'm still not sure if Active D lighting effects RAW photos or not.

My issues seem to be white balance, focus and not knowing how to get it to stay on the setting I want. Should I be shooting on RAW or jpeg? I assumed jpeg.
My issues seem to be white balance, focus and not knowing how to get it to stay on the setting I want. Should I be shooting on RAW or jpeg? I assumed jpeg.

Raw, and then using PhotoShop, LightRoom, or something else than can edit RAW photos.

Use P, S, A, or M modes and it will remember the settings, auto mode forgets them on power off.

I've tried to use just the JPG files produced from the Nikon and they turn out horrible. It seems some cheaper cameras are much better at producing a JPG that looks good right out of the camera.
It seems some cheaper cameras are much better at producing a JPG that looks good right out of the camera.

That is ironic! Doesn't make sense to me but I think you are correct - I don't mind spending extra money for what I want but I do want things to work well without a lot of dicking around.
That is a very decent model. My Nikon D70 is like 10 years old, but I still get some decent shots with it. Will look into the model and instructions over the weekend. If you can post a few images, I will look into where you can improve; most likely, it will be white balance.

Thanks for the offer to help. I will make another attempt soon. I did take some new pix with my Sony point & shoot today and am pretty happy with most of them compared to what I'm getting with the Nikon.
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Shots from today - changed things up a bit so it's not the just usual suspects.













Love to have wrasses in the tank but the sand storms they create are constantly landing on my acropora tutuilensis colony
Biggles - once again this is why I shaved that branch off my green dragon
a while back. Finally was able to get an "almost in focus" shot of this baby.
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Great pictures. Everything looks happy as can be!
Thank you

I don't need to stare at my own tank!
I have the same thought when I see other people's pictures of their reef.

Dude, you continue to just knock it out of the park with the corals, well done!
Thanks for the great compliment
Very nice! :beer:
Thanks Sahin
Everything looks awesome but that last blue polyped stick is siiiick!!

Thanks Mike - I have high hopes for that one.
That is a very decent model. My Nikon D70 is like 10 years old, but I still get some decent shots with it. Will look into the model and instructions over the weekend. If you can post a few images, I will look into where you can improve; most likely, it will be white balance.

markalot - I have the D3100 and it took a bit to get used to it. Assuming yours is similar to mine ...

One thing that helped me was to choose the neutral picture control and then set white balance to shade, press the right arrow and move the manual adjustment all the way to the right. This made for pics with a constant white balance that needed less adjustment.

I'm still not sure if Active D lighting effects RAW photos or not.
Below are a couple of "almost in focus" pictures I took with the Nikon yesterday - still struggling to find the right setting, distance, and focus points. The color is getting closer but still not quite and it seems to have a mind of it's own.

In this example - this color is close, maybe because the flash came on when I didn't want it to but still not sharp & in complete focus.

In this one - Hawkins - color is washed out, and focus is way off

Getting a bit closer in these two but still not in "sharp focus"


Finally in this one the color is getting closer but too much glare & once again the focus sucks!

The really sad part is I took well over 100 shots to end up with these few poor examples that are the best of the bunch. :facepalm:
They were are all taken through the glass not top down and because the front pane is tempered Starphire it can distort a bit when viewing from an angle so that might also be part of my problem.
Also was in JPEG not RAW because I couldn't figure out how to switch the settings. :o I also didn't bother with a tripod - I know that should help as well.
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