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Greg is this the Pacific Chaos ?
Greg is this the Pacific Chaos ?
Yes that was a shot if it in Jan 2014. The PC now has red/pinkish polyps and usually a couple of shades of blue but it seems to always be changing colors depending on lights & nutrient levels, etc. which is why I called it chaos since you never know what you'll get other than awesomeness. :fun5:
Interesting, mine is still fairly small but has changed many times since I got it , mostly due to nutrient levels I think. The polyps are almost a copper colour right now , it's a very unique piece.
How long have you had it and sorry I don't recall, did you get if directly from me or from Adam?
That is interesting how much that coral changes, mine has never looked like that.After getting the frag from Adam and dipping , it browned out on me , and sulked for a month or so. Then it started colouring up quite nicely , I don't have a recent pic but here's one from back in March. It looks different now again , and has started growing well.
Using a GoPro gives it a bit of a different feel I guess. :fun4:Whoa! Those shots are exactly like diving shots from roatan or something.
They don't even look like tank shots. Every square inch is covered and the colonies are huge!
Thanks for your kind remarks. A big part of the recovery is due to a friend of mine kicking me in the butt to get back in the game and he has generously helped me with doing water changes, etc.(Thanks Al)I think it all looks pretty d... good considering what you've been thru. i would not be unhappy if it was my tank, you've done a great job recovering! Love seeing the big colonies too, that's my goal someday.
Thanks Andrew, yes there is something about big corals that is eye catching.It's really good to see things coloring back up Greg, the colors and contrast in that last pic are just beautiful mate
I think the largest i've ever grown an acro is about 10" and that's probably a stretch......... i'm always in awe of you guys who can hang in there and grow such large mature looking colonies. :thumbsup:
Thanks I guess that picture is on the colorful side.Wow! This one sears my retinas...in a good way:eek1:
Some tanks are so darn pretty. You always manage a rainbow of colors, incredible variety, remarkable growth. And those pictures, over and over demonstrating such beauty. I am inspired by tanks such as yours and have been for years. What a joy to follow your thread