A girlfriend for Fabio


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Crowd source funding meets cool fish!


My name is Karen Brittain and I am passionate about raising marine fish to help take pressure off of our coral reefs and to provide happy and healthy pets for marine aquariums. I was born and raised in Hawaii and have been involved with the breeding of fish for over 30 years both professionally and personally. This is the niche where I feel I can make a difference and contribute towards something important to our planet.

Finding and purchasing a girlfriend for Fabio (pictured above) is the first step towards starting the "The Centropyge interrupta project". Centropyge interrupta is the latin name for the Japanese Pygmy Angelfish and The Centropyge Interrupta project is being set up to start a captive breeding program for this lovely marine aquarium fish. The idea for this project was spawned through a discussion on a fish forum. You can follow that discussion below by clicking on the Reef Central link.

By funding this project you will not only be providing a mate for Fabio you will also be contributing towards a long term captive breeding effort that will include other species of marine fish as the project progresses.

What We Need & What You Get

We are looking for funding to cover the costs of purchasing a female Japanese Pygmy Angelfish and shipping her to Hawaii. She will be introduced to Fabio, a large interrupta male looking for love, which will start this captive breeding project.

When we have reached our funding goal an online site will be set up where you can follow the progress of the project and learn about captive breeding of marine fishes. All of the information learned about the captive breeding of Centropyge interrupta will be shared on the site with photos and video.

If we do not reach our entire goal the donated funds will be put towards the captive breeding efforts for the Bandit Angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus which is in it's first year. An online site will be set up to follow the progress of that species as we work on it's captive breeding requirements.

The Impact

Finding a girlfriend for Fabio is just a small part of a very large effort in working towards the captive breeding of marine aquarium fishes. I have been dedicated to this effort and have raised two other angelfish that had never been raised in captivity before. The overall goal is that the information shared from those successes and this current project will help in creating methods to breed and raise more marine aquarium fishes in captivity.

Other Ways You Can Help

Get the word out about this project and other captive breeding efforts for Fishes.

You can do this by using the Indiegogo share tools.​