A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project


New member
Ok Gang, Here goes;

After having a 180 at my house in Columbus Ohio, I have finally moved to my final location. I had a beautiful reef that I had to take with me to York PA. I lived there for a year and housed this propagation system in my basement. I moved from there to Dallas/Fortworth and purchased a house that I will be in for quite some time. I have finally purchased what should be my dream SPS tank! I'm going barebottom if anyone cares. So here is what everyone is here for........Pictures!

Here is the wall!


I finally got my tank. It is an oceanic 96X30X31!


Everyone need to enjoy an empty tank, Here is my mermaid!

I'll post more soon!
Here was my old set up prior to the move


Here was my "simple" old propagation system


The Wall


Everyone needs a Perspective


and finally My very own Mermaid.


This is the max picture size that I am able to upload. Hope it helps prevent myopia!
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If you dont mind me asking, where did you get that nice mermaid? Ive been looking for one myself for some time.

She cost me a pretty penny. She actually comes from the Baltic Sea near a vocanic vent. Unfortunately, she was caught with Cyanide. I hope she lives long!
Pretty sure you wouldn't be ruining a wall-- just making it prettier! :) That's a great size for an in-wall. Keep us posted!

That looks like it'll be an awesome tank! And, it also helps when you have the support of your mermaid. :)
Ohhh she understands the financial effect that this tank will have on us! We just moved into our new home. Once we get this tank up and running, THEN we will buy window treatments, a new bed room set, paint and all that good stuff.

Here is the inside of the garage where the fish room will be built. I am standing at the edge of the driveway/garage door looking into the left side of the garage.


Here is the back of the tank. I couldn't get a front shot, becasue the damn thing is too big. 8 feet is not enough space between the front and the wall to get a good shot.


Gonna make a big mess soon!
Let me tell you a little about that mermaid. She is very involved in this project, and asked just as many if not more questions when they were over here last week. I have to say that is what makes her so valuable, as she is an integral part of this process due to her active involvement. She knows her stuff.

Btw, if a twin mermaid sister exists, I'd be happy to provide her with a new home. :)
Nice project (and mermaid) you have going there....:thumbsup:

Enjoy the fun and keep us posted with your progress......
Need more pix of that mermaid. Where did u get that mermaid. ??? hmmm, i am still looking but no luck. I will pay any penny even TNT to get one. LOL. NIce tank. Sure, would love to more pix when u get your project done.

You can afford a Mermaid like I have! Everyone knows;
It's not how much money you have that attracts the mermaid
It's the size of your TANK that really matters!:eek1: :lol:
Just curious about the tank...

What are the dimensions?
Average cost of the tank?
What Company/Brand made the tank?
