A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

littlesilvermax said:
How old is your Hammerhead pump? Mine is almost a year old and it has fins on the motor, it is not smooth. The exterior is solid aluminum. .

Yeah- they seem to have changed there models about 5 times on each pump over the last year. When I went to buy my Darts there were 3 different styles at the same LFS that came in the same shipment from there supplier- I needed 3 of them and ended up with 2 different styles but at least they are not located close to each other so you'd probably never notice. The pump he has is suppose to be the latest model but I have also heard that the "newer new ones" have an opaque housing instead of blue. I have 2 hammerheads that I just got in the last month of so and they were both like the one he has. I'm not sure why they change so much- hopefully because of an improved design and not just because they found cheaper parts.[

Servo- keep the pics coming and your setup looks awesome!
sidewinder770 said:
Yeah- they seem to have changed there models about 5 times on each pump over the last year. When I went to buy my Darts there were 3 different styles at the same LFS that came in the same shipment from there supplier- I needed 3 of them and ended up with 2 different styles but at least they are not located close to each other so you'd probably never notice. The pump he has is suppose to be the latest model but I have also heard that the "newer new ones" have an opaque housing instead of blue. I have 2 hammerheads that I just got in the last month of so and they were both like the one he has. I'm not sure why they change so much- hopefully because of an improved design and not just because they found cheaper parts.[

Servo- keep the pics coming and your setup looks awesome!

There have been problems with the blue housing, which they seem to be covering. Here's the thread from the reeflo forum:

SERVO said:
Now on to equipment

Here is the return pump; a sequence Hammerhead. I put one of my sandles next to it (Size 12) for perspective on this monster

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/hammerhead.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

That motor (Baldor) is an industrial motor that should perform very nicely and last a long time. :)
FINALLY!!!!!!!! I was bound and determined not to post something until I had made some type of progress. Well, progress has been made. The dual union ball valves took almost 2 months to get here after I had been shipped the wrong size parts. Ughhh Frustration. Well, my schedule 80 parts are unlikely to leak:D .

The plumming is simple, here are some pictures. The closed loop is plumed to the left and right into the sides of the tank with dual union ball valves placed at every possible point of disassembly. Overkill, sure.

Spaflex tubing was used to make things easier and quicker. I also used teflon majic lube to seal around every and all gaskets and O rings on all of the ball valves and bulkheads. This way, I get an excellent sealent without the "permanent" problems of using silicone caulk.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Closedloop.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Here is the "whole" set up from the back. I don't have enough room to capture the complete picture

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8030248.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Finally, here is a close up at the left end of the tank with the main return into the sump and the skimmer and pump. The elbow/ball valve in the front of the sump that isn't completed will be the return from my frag tank that is yet to be completed.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8030250.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

And for the teaser trailer, here is one of my new kid's

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P7310240.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

He is about 9 inches long and is starting to grow his streamers.

I am adding water now to check if it leaks. I should turn the pumps on tomorrow. I plan on adding rock on Sunday and beginning the cycle. Time to have a shrimp coctail party! NOW THE FUN STARTS!!!!!!
FINALLY!!!!!!!! I was bound and determined not to post something until I had made some type of progress. Well, progress has been made. The dual union ball valves took almost 2 months to get here after I had been shipped the wrong size parts. Ughhh Frustration. Well, my schedule 80 parts are unlikely to leak:D .

The plumming is simple, here are some pictures. The closed loop is plumed to the left and right into the sides of the tank with dual union ball valves placed at every possible point of disassembly. Overkill, sure.

Spaflex tubing was used to make things easier and quicker. I also used teflon majic lube to seal around every and all gaskets and O rings on all of the ball valves and bulkheads. This way, I get an excellent sealent without the "permanent" problems of using silicone caulk.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Closedloop.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Here is the "whole" set up from the back. I don't have enough room to capture the complete picture

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8030248.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Finally, here is a close up at the left end of the tank with the main return into the sump and the skimmer and pump. The elbow/ball valve in the front of the sump that isn't completed will be the return from my frag tank that is yet to be completed.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8030250.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

And for the teaser trailer, here is one of my new kid's

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P7310240.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

He is about 9 inches long and is starting to grow his streamers.

I am adding water now to check if it leaks. I should turn the pumps on tomorrow. I plan on adding rock on Sunday and beginning the cycle. Time to have a shrimp coctail party! NOW THE FUN STARTS!!!!!!
My r2k pump uses a Baldor commercial motor as well. Not only does it perfrom well it is very energy efficient.

Looking good by the way.
Excellent. I've been waiting for an update for some time now. I can't wait to see it in person.
littlesilvermax said:

According to MDM, Inc. (the sequence maker), the pump's motor above is a bit better than the other one posted. Both are Baldor motors and should last a lifetime, but the one above is supposed to run cooler and be a bit better. They cost a little more, so it is the reason they changed it to the other type without the fins.

Neither should affect the wet end though, which includes the seals, impeller, etc. Also, MDM discontinued the blue and purple wet ends due to the extremely high numbers of complains of people having tons of hairine cracks and leaks in them. I was one myself with leaks in 4 out of 5 hammerheads because of them. They gladly replaced them for the black ones (newer) that are so much more resistant. Have not had a problem since then with leaks.

You ahve done a pretty good job so fr. I would be concerned with access to the many places in the sump because of having all the plumbing in front ot it. Also, if I may ask, why the 3 overflows? Seems one would much more than enough. Also, are you running 3 different becket skimemrs? Why? It looks like you had 3 in a picture a few pages back.
That's awesome Ryan. We have all been impatiently waiting for updates. Can't wait to see it in person. Who did you get the tang from? Faith or Mel?
Another question too. Why did you opted to put all the equipment under the stand when you were building the room behind the tank and could have done it there?
Sorry about the double post, I'm not sure what the hell happened.

Mark; can't wait for you to see it!

Chris, I got my fish from Scott Comstock.

dgasmd (Dr. Dolomite;) ) Thanks for the heads up on my hammerhead. I'll keep an eye out for any cracks. Wierd, the pump is only 4 or so months old. I'm surprised that I was sent a "quasi-recall" model.

I only have one skimmer. Not sure why it looks like two. Check out the manufacture's site for other pictures of how he builds his skimmers. www.triggersys.com There is only one becket to a skimmer.

There is actually plenty of room for me to get under the stand. I will need access to the skimmer, which is wide open and the front of the sump for probe acess and the detrius/media drawer. I can easily get to this as well. The refugium is also open. I have at least 16 inches of room to work with between the middle and far right return hose. If I don't like it with time, I may decide to replump it with hard PVC to "clean it up". The open return in the picture is incase I decide to add my chiller.

I wanted as much equipment under the stand and not clogging up the room. I am putting a table against the side wall and possibly shelfs on the back wall. This will only leave about 2 1/2 feet (roughly) to manuever and I didn't want to clutter the room up. I am putting my calcium reactor and the CO2 tank on the side of the tank ;). The reason for 3 overflows is simply because thats how Oceanic built it. I'm sure I could get away with two, but this way, I will have no problem turning over very large volumes. When I purchased the tank, the difference between the high end Oceanic and a true Custom was ridiculous! (I just finished a fellowship last year)

One of my idea's (future) is that I am going to have a retractable catwalk built that I can raise and retract to stand on and get into the back of the tank. If I had the sump and skimmer outside of the stand, it would have to be permanent.

I need to get my starboard. I wish I would have ordered it 2 weeks ago.

I gotta go try and find out what NHL team has signed which free agent!

Tell me about your catwalk. I've had my plan for some time, but never implemented it and maybe I'll go with your system instead.
The Catwalk is still a general idea, nothing sketched out; but I want a powder coated welded grate that could fold down via hinges to cover the back of the stand opening. I don't want it fixed to the stand, and I want to move it it I need to. I would like to but it on retractable wheels to roll it if I need to. I also want steps attached to the side. That is the general idea. The problem is that it would need to be assembled and welded together in the room (unless it was only 3 or four feet and slid (rolled) back and forth. I'll have to sketch something out.
I would think something on rollers better have locking wheels. :D

It would be great to have one that is 4 or 6 feet long and 12" wide. If I had one that fit around my sump (which is pretty unlikely), I could keep it in the garage and roll it in as needed.

I like the idea of suspending it from the ceiling rafters, and letting it down somehow. The stupid closed loop connections on the back of the tank are actually in my way for any and all ideas though. :(
Hey guys, what about those ladders I've seen on TV that are three-pieces and fold into a scaffold style thing? They're supposed to be flexible and hold the weight. i guess it would have to be the exact height youre looking for to clear the sump. but, thats the first place I'm looking when my setup is done. (or build a similar design out of 2x4s and hinges.

I guess you also have to worry about rusting.
There are some platforms/scafolds that Lowes sells that you can fold away, come with locking wheels, and have 2 different levels to stand on. They are pretty cool. I almost bought one, but I ended up no needing it. Loot into those.
Well that is awesome Ryan that your tang is still around for you to get. I remember talking to you and you weren't sure if was still around. I think there are alot of different things you could do to do a catwalk. Your imagination is your limit.

I discovered a little leak this morning before I left for work. Fortunately, I placed the RO hose into the closed loop hose to check them out. I closed off the ball valves and waited until it pored back into the tank. I then, opened them up and when the water poured into the pump, there was a leak at the pump intake where the threaded nipple was. (PITA) I have now fixed it. I glad I didn't wait and just fill up the tank. I am paranoid about the sump, overflows and threaded nipples at the skimmer and main return pump.

dgasmd; Thanks so much for the recommendations. I'll have to check that out. bheron: Thanks for the input, but I would want something that would be a little less "mobile".

Marc; Do you really think, I'd put wheels on a weight supporting structure and not have them lock!?!:lol:

Chris; I remember watching Dino Ciccarrelli play for the North Stars! Once an expansion team, always an expansion team. :rolleye1: BTW, I got all my fish! No Worries!