A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

Maybe Jimmy can help you out with the noisy pump. I have to be at another place at 2pm tomorrow, for another sump I have to build. Sorry. :(

I meant to say that Jimmy Walls is bringing over big pieces of rock. My friend Nathan and I are going to be aquascaping ;)

I wouldn't be able to able to do anything with out the Noggin!!!:rollface:
Really interested to here what you can do about the noisy pump. I just got my Barracuda started and am getting the same experience as you. I am thinking of running mine on a 12 hours on 12 hours off. Sequence said this would be fine, but I would get more salt creep on the pump.
When I first started my Dart it was noisy also. I figured out that air was cavatating (sp?)
once I turned it off and back on a time or two it seemed better.

As of right now my mag 18 on my trigger skimmer is the loudest part of my tank.
Kevin, my tank is pretty much silent ever since I switched to the ER skimmer and the pump I got from you.
I had no idea the hammerhead's were this loud. Please post if you're able to fix this.

Do you think the noise is due to the motor being inherently loud or because it does not have a vibration barrier between it and the tank/stand such as flex pvc or rubber isolation pads for the mounting bracket?
melev said:
Kevin, my tank is pretty much silent ever since I switched to the ER skimmer and the pump I got from you.
I am very happy you like that pump.
It would have been such overkill for me.
Maybe it does have some cavitation of air. You give me hope chevytrks. When I first tried to run it I didn't have enough water in the sump. I thought that I had over filled it, but I guess not. I ran the thing for about an hour after. But haven't turned it off and on.

My Dart is SUPER quiet. The thing purrs. I love it. You really don't know that it is on. The Hammerhead and the damn durso's (the two things that are supposed to be quiet) are so NOISY.

I have two foam pieces under the pump for vibration barriers. I have not mounted it, but the oscillations are amplified by the stand. The wood is off of the ground and that may play a factor.


Imagine the board over the subfloor.

Springerhd, I will absolutely let you know and fill you in on my experiences. Currently, I'm pretty miffed. I'm not sure what is causing the noise because there are so many factors right now. I'll keep you up dated on how I trouble shoot and tinker this one. Do you have any pictures of anyone posting "rubber isolation pads"?
Ryan, I bet Jimmy will have some suggestions when he gets there in the morning. If you turn off your pump for 60 seconds, then start it up again, if there was cavitation is should be resolved. There are a few reasons this is happening:

The inlet isn't large enough to get all the water the pump needs.
The rigid PVC pipe is vibrating.
The plumbing is too restrictive.
The pump is just plain noisy right out of the box (so to speak).

There is stuff you can put around the inside of the cabinet to help deaden the sound, but if you have a racket in the fishroom, that is never good. So hopefully we can figure out why this is occuring.
Well as promised, here are finally some picts with water. This is starting to look cool. The problem that I have is the damn pump is way to powerful for my system. 5800gph is a little much to overturn my tank. :mad: My solution will be to Tee off of the return hose and run a hose into the two areas that feed my refugium. I am thinking about Teeing off of the third return line and running it to my skimmer. With ball valves, I should be able to control how much flow goes into the skimmer. I only need about 2400 gph. THis way, I could cut out another heat generator and not have to buy any more damn pumps.

So here is a shot of the truck loaded with the rock. Now mind you the bed is 10 feet deep and the bins are 3 feet across!
<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Bins.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Here is a picture of me and Anthony the VP of DFWMAS. He was procrastinating about writing his article for the next news letter for the club's web site and decided to drop by.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/MeandtheVP.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">
And finally here are some cool close ups. THis ROCK IS HUGE. On average, each piece is at least 8-12 inches long.

Here is my favorite rock!
<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Cave.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

and finally here is the whole thing.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8130270.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Just wait till I get all my SPS in it!!!:cool: :D :cool:
Nice progress. once the dust settles, you will have to entertain us couch potatoes with some more full tank and in depth photos!
So after hanging (setting) an old Hamilton VHO/MH lighting system on top of the cross bracing of the tank, I have finally assembled a system to hold the pendants up. Inspired by Melev's lighting fixuture, I took 1 inch and 3/4 inch angled iron and pocket rivets to assemble the system. About a year ago, I purchased a pulley system from Target that is for hanging bikes. This should work out great. The total weight of this is probably around 25-35 pounds. :D

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8200273.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/P8200272.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

I need to paint the wood and hang the pulley system up.:mixed:
That looks sharp. What wood? Where's the pulley system???? Two lousy pictures?! Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!