There are several people in DFW that are using those blue 55 gallon barrels. Most have syrup or garlic in them. A quick wash w/ an acid and it should be good as new.
Try pm'ing Grim-bob on RC or on DFWMAS. I know that he's got a pair of barrels.
Wow what a great system! I read the entire 13 pages yesterday and today. It is coming along nicely. That Sequence pump is super powerful isnt it? Cant wait for the corals and fish.
I will be using an old water softener tank. Smaller diameter than the drums, but taller
You should be able to find someone getting rid of one easily. Call a plumbing contractor in your area. People change them out every 10 years or so.
Alternatively, you could use a barrel on its side, or another tank, elevated on stilts so that you still have workable room in there.
well, i have just read all 65 pages at one sitting and I have to say, that I need to go to back to school to be a phyciatrist....... And I was quite mystified to why people were so obsessed with the "mermaid", lord knows there are many sites on the internet for pics that they had in mind. This is after all a site about reef aquariums, I am glad the asking for pics of your wife ceased. Anyways, I have to say that your setup is quite impressive. I am admire your perfectionism. Within this hobby you have a setup that inspire the rest of us. Keep up the hard work, and how are your window dressings? I noticed that your house seemed to lack furniture. I would like to see a pic of the room with the tank furnished, so I could show my better half what a tank could look like if I ever did a project like this. ::
I talked to Ryan Sunday night when he was on his way home from MACNA. He complained of a poor selection of livestock but still managed to come away with some nice SPS frags. He's been out of town for the last 10 or 12 days so I'm sure an update is coming.
melev... Were the frags expensive at MACNA or were there great deals all around? I will have to go to some events to hear the lectures and to score some really nice frags.
Well, you know how it is. All the ones you adore are too expensive. On Sunday, I found a section of Dr Mac corals that were of decent size (not just a puddle on a plug), and bought 3 for $70. That wasn't too bad. The Dendrophyllia was $50 PER POLYP, but I still bought a polyp. :lol: I had to have one, after my success with sun corals.
Prices range, and you can get frags for $10 each, sometimes more, sometimes less. I didn't spend a lot of time asking for prices, because I already had 9 pieces to bring home. I just enjoyed the eye candy, and spent money on hardware - like my brand new Sequence Dart pump for a back up when the current one fails.
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