A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

Unless you have a fear it is too heavy to lift, stay with the thicker (1/8") material over the thinner (1/16"). I was looking at TCU_reefer's light rack while taking care of his tank, and the entire thing is bowing like a banana - well, not that bad, but there is an arch to it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8475592#post8475592 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Unless you have a fear it is too heavy to lift, stay with the thicker (1/8") material over the thinner (1/16"). I was looking at TCU_reefer's light rack while taking care of his tank, and the entire thing is bowing like a banana - well, not that bad, but there is an arch to it.

Thanks for the info; I used the 1/16" for my current set up and have had no problems with it bowing, but thats probably because of my superior construction. (Sarcasm)

Actually, I think that the design is great now, but I can't incorporate all of these T5 fixtures!

I don't think that the weight will be much of a difference, but maybe I'll keep the 1/8" for the main frame.
Marc, I have screened your site (and found some cool stuff I didn't know was there) but I have been unable to locate the area where you detail the light frame. Have you taken that off? If not would you point me in the right direction when you get a minute please?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8479009#post8479009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cuby2k
Marc, I have screened your site (and found some cool stuff I didn't know was there) but I have been unable to locate the area where you detail the light frame. Have you taken that off? If not would you point me in the right direction when you get a minute please?


Do about a third of the way down, there's pics there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8479009#post8479009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Cuby2k
Marc, I have screened your site (and found some cool stuff I didn't know was there) but I have been unable to locate the area where you detail the light frame. Have you taken that off? If not would you point me in the right direction when you get a minute please?

Try these links:

Sorry Servo, had two threads I was going to post link to, yours and Marc's. Sorry posted "his" in your thread...:(

...Anyway...Any ideas and suggestions are welcomed...

I am watching your light rack and wanting to change mine. I don't have enough room (about 4") between the tank and the bottom of the lumiarc reflectors. I can barely get my hand inbetween them...I have to be able to raise them up out of the way. I bought a bike rack pulley but with the wood 2x4 it is too heavy. It is alot heavier than what Marc's lightrack seemed when I saw it last week. I wish I could move it to the front and back once again like Marc's but I have a ceiling fan within a few inches so it has to go up...

So I guess admission is the first step to the cure so... Hi my name is Bart and I am a picture addict. :) So post more pictures of the rack when you can...
I wanted to update how my frag tank is doing. I've done a lot to the tank, but I still am trying to change my microbubble issue. Other than that, IMO my tank is perfect (although my corals need to be bigger)

My frag tank is jammin!


Here are some cool top downs



Here is a nice shot of my tang.
Nice! So your one blue staghorn is doing well in the prop section, but what about the base that is in the main tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8933256#post8933256 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Nice! So your one blue staghorn is doing well in the prop section, but what about the base that is in the main tank?

I think that's it on the right side of the prop tank.

It's been a long time since I've seen your tank Ryan, it's come a long way! The rics have really filled in nicely. What's the purple coral in the first top down picture?

Your frag tank makes me excited to be getting my tank up :D
Looks awesome Ryan. Looks as though your frag tank has been established for quite some time.

You free this weekend?

Oh, and Nathan, your build thread is getting quite dusty. :)
Marc, I commented about that in our forum; everything is great.


Nathan, not sure about the id of the table acro? A. Natelensis? not sure until it grows out more. It started from a 1/2 inch frag and is growing really well! To its right is a sloooooow small growing purple/blue A. Gemnifera while on the far right is an A. Tenuis. Here is another!

Here is a top down of the ORA squamosa that I won at MACNA with another unknown.


Here is another top down


Steve, give me a ring.