A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

SERVO, for lack of better terminology, let me just say this...... :eek1: :eek2: :eek1: :eek2: :eek1:
the name of this thread needs to be modified to A Great Way to build a perfect wall.
Simply Amazing.
Thanks everyone! I had some bumps in the road when I finally set this system up, but I'm really happy to see things start to take off. I can't wait to see the system in another year!

Chris; the family is doing very well. Ian will turn one this month. He wanted me to tell you gooo goo gooo baa baa mum.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9048308#post9048308 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SERVO
Thanks Naka! If you get a chance to come up here (Next Wave!? http://www.dfwmas.org/Forums/viewtopic.php?t=26863) you have an open invitation to see it yourself. Here are some more pictures. My FTS stink because of the size of the aquarium, so here it is in two shots.

Thanks Ryan, unfortunately my 1 year anniversary falls on the same weekend, and my wife is due w/ our fist child in 6 weeks. I'll take a rain check, b/c I'll be in Dallas in June for business. Maybe we can do some frag swap? Love the aquascaping!

I know that a question like this is sacrilegious, but I have to ask. How much do you have invested in a setup like that. Are we talking more than $10 Grand....?

Awesome tank !!!!
$10K, I've got alot more than that invested in my 135G!
The old saying goes: "If you have to ask the price you can't afford it".;)

Just read this whole thread - Very Very nice !!!
greenstarman: No one keeps count. It's unhealthy for us and our relationships. And I'll bet the percentage of reef keepers with shredders is significantly higher than the general population. :)
I really have lost count on the price. You know about this addiction/hobby! I don't know how much I've spent, but I know it is more than 10K. I'm done for now. In fact, because of the tank, we are still watching a 19 inch tube TV that was bought in 1990:D Who needs TV with a reef like mine? Now I just need to buy furniture to put in front of the tank.

I will admit, this tank ended up costing me a lot more than what I innitially figured it would:eek1: :mixed: :eek1:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9058982#post9058982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
And I'll bet the percentage of reef keepers with shredders is significantly higher than the general population. :)

LOL -- too true :). And I need a shredder for the credit cards whose balances I shredded, sacrificed to the almightly reef tank gods. :D
With a $1500 house payment $500 electric bills, SUV's I just don't see how you people do it. Its unreal, you people must be living on CREDIT.....
Servo, I just spent about two hours going through your entire thread. Thanks for the ideas and inspiration. I am going to apply a lot of your techniques to my 390gallon sps. Your tank looks great and I love the acrylic work.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9060298#post9060298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greenstarman
With a $1500 house payment $500 electric bills, SUV's I just don't see how you people do it. Its unreal, you people must be living on CREDIT.....

Its all boils down to what you enjoy, and your priorities.Any hobby will get expensive depending on how involved you get!
The wife and I own a small business and rarely take vacations so we decided to bring the tropics to us .We added a large, all glass sunroom to the house a few years ago, filled with plants and Orchids.And then the SW tank in the living room.We share the work load and it is quite rewarding despite the hard work and expense!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9060298#post9060298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greenstarman
With a $1500 house payment $500 electric bills, SUV's I just don't see how you people do it. Its unreal, you people must be living on CREDIT.....

Not to go off topic, but gawd, I wish that was our house payment !!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9060298#post9060298 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by greenstarman
With a $1500 house payment $500 electric bills, SUV's I just don't see how you people do it. Its unreal, you people must be living on CREDIT.....

Or he could be, I dunno, a doctor maybe? :confused:
All I do is Spine, so there are always a ton of patients.

The one thing that I love about my tank, is that I can jump up on a ladder with an acrylic photo box (Thanks Marc!) looking down and all around. Everytime it seems like I'm snorkeling on a reef! I can spend hours procrastinating on other things I should be doing! I love top down views.:D

Marcmcc, How do you get SPS in Jamaica?
