A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

I reread your post and planning om using your idea for the molding shelf. I love it. I hope your fw's are gone by now.
What about pics of the Lumenarc lighting redo? Where ya been on this thread? 5 Months with no upate. I just read through the whole thread again to pick up some points on doing my tank.
Well, the flat worm thing sucked. I think that I am in good shape now, but I am still somewhat reluctant to jump the gun and say that they are gone. Here are some pictures that I took last month. The tank is looking really good.






All of the Acro's pictures have been treated. No new additions have occured since the infection.
Well sad day today. I got a phone call from my wife telling me that our beloved Vlamingi has died. Not sure why. Yesterday he was tearing thru the tank just as always. I make my own food and I am wondering if the new batch of food is possibly contaminated? Not sure. The seafood was purchased frozen and I have used it before without problems. My other fish look fine and they all seem to tear up the small squares of food.


I was going to post an update, but I'm too sad to.:(
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10931113#post10931113 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chrisrush
Man Ryan, that sucks. He looked so good last month. Sorry to hear about that.

He looked no different yesterday?

Thanks to everyone for their condolences. Losing a fish that big is close to losing a dog.
Well, I figured that I'd post some updated pictures. I recently replaced my bulbs, and I've nuked my corals a bit. I use Reeflux 10K's with Luminarcs and I haven't changed my bulbs since switching to the reflectors. I think that the reeflux only maintain a strong output for about 5-7 months. I borrowed a quatum meter and the readings at the surface of the water was only 350-400! After switching out the readings on the surface is 900-1000! Big change. Too bad it will be a while until my colors start to pop again.
I was impressed at the difference; compare before and after with my Milli. It looks pretty faded and has lost it's deep maroon tones.




More to come.
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Here is an experiment that I started with some Montipora's Compare the growth



This is nice

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Here is a nice Acropora Anthocercis that I've grown from a small frag




As you see, I've nuked the color a bit:o