Couple problems we have just to be aware of. A Ruby Anthias devoured one of our jawfish in a flash, one gulp (we had to catch him on a hook, and got him another home); other small stream-lined fish might be a meal, but then we have not kept other types of Anthias, so the type you select might be okay. Also, a lot of people do several types of Fairy Wrasses in a tank..we have 2 males, different species, and are in a desperate battle to get one of them out before the other one is killed. Some people have so much success, and others just don't. But it is PAINFUL to see the wars and injuries or deaths like we've had (we have a 210gal with 20 fish, mostly small ones, see my sig for the types), so I 'think' the tank is big enough, but just some incompatible guys in ours. Both wrasses, btw, have been in for about 2 months, and it is only getting worse).
Also, people might think blue/green chromis are boring little colors, but seeing them school, and their behavoirs, is really wonderful. I'd have a ton more of them if we started over with fish selection.