A Great Way to ruin a perfect wall; My 400 Gallon Project

Awsome idea and execution on the flop open crown moulding. I hope you don't mind that I steal that idea... :)

That is one beautiful Sump. From the pictures, it appears that the craftmanship is second to none. It would be a shame to hide it under a stand.
this is realy nice work, can you give some detail about the sump,
and the way it work.
very nice aquipment- good luck and enjoy
Ryan, just wanted to jump on and say congrats on the new house and the new tank. I talked to you briefly on RC before you moved down to TX. Can't wait to see the tank filled up.

I just put mine on the stand and moved it into the kitchen. I'll start a thread on DFWMAS and RC when I get some more pics.

Help, I need a physiatrist from too much bucket carrying, will insurance cover a flight down from Cleveland (tour of the tank mandatory!)

And OMG, I finally really looked at your Avatar..it's a TRIP!!!

So I've got the door up, the hole for the AC framed. The door and molding will need to be painted. The inside of the room is trimmed out and lookin sweet. Finally, after cutting the hole on April 13th, this thing is comming together. So here is some more pictures. I am starting to plan out the plumming for the closed loop and returns. I should have my "new" sump in a week or so! (Thanks to trigger systems) anyone who is in the market for a kick *** skimmer or sump, check out their site http://www.triggersys.com/


Room (almost done!)


here is a picture of the door framed out, but not painted


here is the bottom with weather stripping to keep the room tight and sealed from the 120 degree summer garage

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Doorclosed.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Here is a close up of the weather stripping with the door open


and finally, a view from inside the room, looking at the back wall.

<img src="http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a12/ryanreeves/Doorinsideroom.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

off to plan the plumming!
So I'm starting to plan out fish. I assembled a list; obviously, I'm not going to put all of the fish in, so don't flame me on the amount of tangs. If you do, you will be considered the village idiot and properly ignored. It will be assumed that you can not read and shouldn't even be on the forums. Well, with that out of the way and off my chest here is my list


1 blue throat trigger (male)
1 Scooter blennie (lawnmower)
1 Six line wrasse
2 Ransford Goby
2 Helfrichi's Firefish
4 Purple fire fish
6 Red fire fish
6 Anthias
1 Bicolor blennie?
1 Citrinis Clown Goby
1 Mandarin dragonette (next year)

I REALLY like the following fish, but with barebottom, it just isn't going to happen; Diamond star Goby, Yellow head jaw fish
and Sleeper blue dot goby

I'm thinking 4-5 tangs, the only down side is that is a LOT of poop. Hmmm

With all of the little fish in such a collosal tank, there will be a lot of motion and action!

What do you think?:rollface:

I know we already talked about it already, but I really want to encourage you to use some restraint when selecting your fish. Four or five tangs plus the blue throat trigger is going to be a lot of bioload by itself, especially as messy as triggers are.

Do some reading on the Rainsford. After we talked about them last week, I was doing some research on WWM and here on RC and they seem to be harder to keep, as they require a lot of microfauna. They would also be looking at some serious competition from the Six Line. Maybe check out some of the more common fairy wrasses? They're less aggressive and very colorful. If you get a pair, you could maybe watch a courtship ritual :D

The fleet of firefish would be cool - just work out some sort of cover for the tank. The anthias would also be cool but require a fair bit of feeding due to their short digestive tract. Maybe look into the Sunburst aka Fathead anthias - they're available locally and (IMO) have better coloration than the other species.

Looking forward to setting up your plumbing. Just give me some advance notice so I can plan it into my schedule.
Will the firefish eventually start fighting with each other? I have heard when you have three, that they eventually narrow themselves down to one.
Also, how bout a 4 line wrasse instead of a 6 line. I have one after I saw PeterLin's. I think they are alot more attractive than 6 lines. Of course that is my opinion and you can take it with a grain of a salt. And after seeing Rick's orange shoulder I think you would be making a good decision on that one.
i would do the regal, achilles( though very aggressive), a few purple or look into the gemmatum???? tangs aka gem tangs, and then a naso,

i also like longfin fairy wrasses due to there activity and ease of care

really like the dartfish look iam doing a similar setup except going to do scissortail, gudgeon, zebra, and other more active streamline dart's.
SERVO.. Great progress so far!!!

I can't wait to see you tank plumbed in and filled!!! :D
do it!!! lots of tangs.... ha ha.... i have an 11" hippo, 8" hippo, and a 10" vlamigii in my 240 and i'm looking for a dussumeri too! I had the aforementioned three tangs along with a large yellow tang in 120 gal last week but have since upgraded and removed him.... plus i have a niger and male blue throat trigger in there too. The blue throat is perfect! Best wishes and luck to you!
Hey man; I'm from Detroit, the only thing that I know about hooking is bloated bodies when we drag the lake! (LOL)

Go Wings!
Go Blue!

But I guess I am kinda living up to that Big Texas thing!
Couple problems we have just to be aware of. A Ruby Anthias devoured one of our jawfish in a flash, one gulp (we had to catch him on a hook, and got him another home); other small stream-lined fish might be a meal, but then we have not kept other types of Anthias, so the type you select might be okay. Also, a lot of people do several types of Fairy Wrasses in a tank..we have 2 males, different species, and are in a desperate battle to get one of them out before the other one is killed. Some people have so much success, and others just don't. But it is PAINFUL to see the wars and injuries or deaths like we've had (we have a 210gal with 20 fish, mostly small ones, see my sig for the types), so I 'think' the tank is big enough, but just some incompatible guys in ours. Both wrasses, btw, have been in for about 2 months, and it is only getting worse).

Also, people might think blue/green chromis are boring little colors, but seeing them school, and their behavoirs, is really wonderful. I'd have a ton more of them if we started over with fish selection.