Well-known member
When you are of the age were buying disability and life insurance becomes priority, you tend to start thinking very conservative about all "big investments".
What-ever! OLD man. :lol:
When you are of the age were buying disability and life insurance becomes priority, you tend to start thinking very conservative about all "big investments".
SERVO said:springerhd; You are exactly right! I made the assumption that you also were swindled into paying more that you should for a stand. I looked at that as a reluctant investment. Afterall, it is a fantastic piece of mind to have that type of security. When you are of the age were buying disability and life insurance becomes priority, you tend to start thinking very conservative about all "big investments".![]()
SERVO said:I'm so mad, I spent about an hour or so posting this exact post. I put to many damn stupid smilies and submitted the post it created an error and I lost all of my work! Down with smilies:mad2: This thing was so long and full of pictures, that after I retyped it, it wouldn't let me post, so I need to trunkate this into a couple of posts.
melev said:Yes, that is correct, as Ryan is trying to do the same thing I'm doing with my 280g reef.
Buying a window unit for $140 or less is a lot less expensive than an $700 (or more) chiller. Plus the fish room is comfortable to work in.
AcroSteve said:I have ahd that happen to me too. Nowwhen I remember, if I have a lengthy post and before I hit submit, I will highlight the whole post and hit ctrl-c to copy it to the clipboard. This will at least save it. Sometimes you type too much and it is over the limit for a single post and must be seperated. This works well for this issue also.
Hop said:Are you guys worried about the additional heat in the garage from the exaughst. I was currious about the counterproductivity is all. I just completed the framing and exterior sheetrocking on my garage wetroom and was planning on mounting the same type unit, put in the outside wall. If this works well for you guys, I may do the same. Less holes on the outside of the house.
SERVO said:You know, I was wondering about that when I was planning. I thought that may decrease the efficiency of the wall A/C unit trying to pull in all that hot air. The garages around here can get up to 120-130 degrees on any given day in summer. I can always crack or open the garage door to vent out the excessive heat. (110 is still cooler than 140!) I have had the A/C unit in the garage and it is very cool in the room. The insulation keeps the room very cool as well. I ran the A/C unit yesterday while I was in the room for about an hour and a half. I came back about 6 hours later and the room was SUBSTANTIALLY cooler than the interior of the garage. Now, the garage has only peaked out to about 110, (estimate; I haven't measured) and I haven't had a reason to cool the room. Furthermore; the hole in the wall was cut larger than the A/C unit so there is excessive space on the sides of the A/C unit for hot-cold air exchange as well as the hole in the door with the door nob should be. With that stated, the room is very well insulated and I don't think that I will have any heat issues. Heck, I am wondering if I need the chiller! I am going to wait to plumb it in and measure the tank temp while I'm cycling to experiment. If the temp is stable, I'm selling a brand new 1/3 HP chiller for a steal!!!! I'll need money to buy my 14 tangs (LOL Nathan)
I would recommend that you install a couple of wall fans like I have. I felt markedly cooler with them circulating the air. I think that that will really help with the humidity as well. We will see.
I have other pictures of the construction that I didn't post if you are interested in something more specific. PM me and I could e-mail or post.