A little confused, Who here justifies this hobby?

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CO2 is not a bad thing, I don't know why so many of you are concerned with a single trace element. .

Co2 is an important part of the natural carbon cycle. But since the industrial revolution we have dug up and burnt carbon that was effectivley taken out of the earths natural carbon cycle (fossil fuels) and put into the atmosphere, where we know it traps the suns energy (greenhouse gas). We have near on doubled the concentration of co2 in the atmosphere, causing the earth to warm.
I think this hobby is beneficial because like everyone said, it provides jobs and spreads awareness of the ocean. I can't tell you how many people have become fascinated with preservation and/or the ocean after seeing my tank.

I have learned so much about Marine biology from this tank along with the Zoology class I took last semester during which I obtained my tank. After I pursue my phd in entomology I fully intend to study marine biology as well. If not for my tank initially spuring interest in the subject, I would not be nearly as into this aspect of nature and desire to further my knowledge.

This hobby turns thousands of people into scientists. I think that in itself is what is so great about this hobby.

The same happened to me. After setting up my reef tank, one year later I was enrolled in a coral biology course from MACO. I've have more knowledge about marine biology and conservation now than I did with my college major in geosciences. And all it took was staring at my tank for many hours a day to spark my interest and now passion.
Co2 is an important part of the natural carbon cycle. But since the industrial revolution we have dug up and burnt carbon that was effectivley taken out of the earths natural carbon cycle (fossil fuels) and put into the atmosphere, where we know it traps the suns energy (greenhouse gas). We have near on doubled the concentration of co2 in the atmosphere, causing the earth to warm.

Why is a trace element such as CO2 considered problematic, and secondly, why is it a bad thing if the planet warms up a little bit?
Why is a trace element such as CO2 considered problematic, and secondly, why is it a bad thing if the planet warms up a little bit?

Co2 is a greenhouse gas. This is scientific fact. Can you not accept that?

Life on earth flourishes like it does because of our climate which is regulated by greenhouse gases. So far we have had a warming of 0.75 degrees C this is causing the arctic to melt, seasons to change, species migration, changes in rainfall patterns and many more important ecological changes, that are critical for life on this planet.
Why is a trace element such as CO2 considered problematic, and secondly, why is it a bad thing if the planet warms up a little bit?
While CO2 is a gas, it's effects on the Earth and whatever "greenhouse gasses" mean, is up for debate. For the last several consecutive years, the avg. earth temp. has actually been dropping, and any theorized glacier melt has either stopped, or was overstated. The cooling trend will likely continue, and the warm spike likely be identified as a natural occurrence, that a few con-artists tried to profit from.
While CO2 is a gas, it's effects on the Earth and whatever "greenhouse gasses" mean, is up for debate. For the last several consecutive years, the avg. earth temp. has actually been dropping, and any theorized glacier melt has either stopped, or was overstated. The cooling trend will likely continue, and the warm spike likely be identified as a natural occurrence, that a few con-artists tried to profit from.
If we accept that warming has stopped, and cooling has begun, then I'd say there are far more than "a few" con-artists out there.

If we believe that the recent cooling trend is a blip that will disappear into statistical noise when the graph is scaled up to display data from hundreds of years, then I agree with "a few" con artists.
its a two edged sword as yes there is much more green house gasses which have melted a considerable amount of the poles ice which in turn cools the ocean waters .everybody uses the "greenhouse gasses" word in order to put blame on us as humans and our actions on this planet but they all use it in different ways ,which ever way benifits them .
i pulled this off of our local chapters front page...i believe in this and this is why I do it...

1. Encourage the growth of the marine aquarium hobby in South Texas

2. Educate and inform members and the public about care, keeping and propagation of marine invertebrates and fish

3. Prevent abuse to marine animals in general, and to conserve the marine environment by promoting intelligent, planned reef management systems

4. Promote higher standards of health and care provided by local commercial outlets

5. Organize workshops, seminars and discussions related to all aspects of the hobby

6. Raise and generate funds and create financial resources to meet these goals; and

7. Coordinate with and support similar societies devoted to like-minded interests.

While fish, whether being sold as lunch meat or in our fishtanks, are effectively taken out of their normal enviroments, the information that we learn firsthand from taking care of a sucessful saltwater aquarium is what i believe is worth the hassle. i can tell you first hand that going through the due diligence of trying to keep a sucessful reef, i have become of how important our oceans natural balance is.

while there are certain practices that are frowned upon, the obvious ones being mismatching stocking or too large of a bioload for an aquarium, i believe that in the end we all learn a viable lesson about mother nature and what she has crafted out beyond our ground.

no one keeps tabs on what the turnover rate is in the ocean, so its hard to gauge how badly our efforts affect the reefs. with the introduction of the captive raised corals and fish, we make the move away from taking the real deal out of the big aquarium. this is how we further the the hobby.

eventually, there will be cb everything and we can leave the oceans alone. there will soon be a point that the fish farms will be more profitable propogating and farming than buying from the suppliers. the suppliers will go out of business and the cb farmers will see increased demand.
Be thankful that the shallowness and ignorance of the greens are focused on the least of the aquarium trades crimes.
The greatest damage we cause is the long running tolerance and support for a large trade in cyanide fish from the biggest two supplier countries.
This should have been reformed in-house because it sabatoges critical habitat and fish supply and works mightily against the trades own interests.

So, they miss it as we shhh each other w/ a " don't ask, don't tell" conspiracy of silence.

The trade would be so much more defensible except for this .
Much of the case against the trade are nonsense, token and borne of ignorance whilst the biggest issue is ignored by both sides.
This post will self-delete in....oh never mind,
It will be ignored anyway.
I think this kind of behaviour is disgracefull.

Yes it is.

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its a two edged sword as yes there is much more green house gasses which have melted a considerable amount of the poles ice which in turn cools the ocean waters .everybody uses the "greenhouse gasses" word in order to put blame on us as humans and our actions on this planet but they all use it in different ways ,which ever way benifits them .

Did you do science at school? :fun5::spin2:
While CO2 is a gas, it's effects on the Earth and whatever "greenhouse gasses" mean, is up for debate. For the last several consecutive years, the avg. earth temp. has actually been dropping, and any theorized glacier melt has either stopped, or was overstated. The cooling trend will likely continue, and the warm spike likely be identified as a natural occurrence, that a few con-artists tried to profit from.

Be thankful that the shallowness and ignorance of the greens are focused on the least of the aquarium trades crimes.
The greatest damage we cause is the long running tolerance and support for a large trade in cyanide fish from the biggest two supplier countries.
This should have been reformed in-house because it sabotages critical habitat and fish supply and works mightily against the trades own interests.

So, they miss it as we shhh each other w/ a " don't ask, don't tell" conspiracy of silence.

The trade would be so much more defensible except for this .
Much of the case against the trade are nonsense, token and borne of ignorance whilst the biggest issue is ignored by both sides.
This post will self-delete in....oh never mind,
It will be ignored anyway.

so what countries are still using cyanide? I thought that most have switched to different methods.

Also, If we all buy from certain suppliers that don't accept fish from these practices, wouldn't that cure the problem? I mean, don't certain online vendors avoid these practices? and lfs?

While CO2 is a gas, it's effects on the Earth and whatever "greenhouse gasses" mean, is up for debate. For the last several consecutive years, the avg. earth temp. has actually been dropping, and any theorized glacier melt has either stopped, or was overstated. The cooling trend will likely continue, and the warm spike likely be identified as a natural occurrence, that a few con-artists tried to profit from.

1. Co2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the suns energy. This is basic science that was discovered way back in May 1857 by a scientist called Tyndall. There is no debate on this.

2. The last 10 years where the hottest ever on record. Please see this link to those clever people at NASA. http://climate.nasa.gov/keyIndicators/

3. "Glaciers stopped melting?" "Overstated" Man where are you getting this from? :rolleyes: Please see check the National Snow & Ice Data Centre. http://nsidc.org/

4. "Cooling trend" ???? There is no cooling trend, we have had some cooler "years, but there is no trend. Why say that? "Warm spike" ???? The last 100 years is not a spike. :rolleyes:

5. Who is the con artist? The scientists with their knowledge and evidence or the people without qualification and evidence?
Who are the con artists? Most recently, the ones trying to make a profit from the global warming scare. Huge potential profits tend to blight their altruism.

Another thing that grinds me are the hipocrits at the recent global warming meeting in Europe. There were too many private jets for one major airport to handle. Nice how they tell everyone else how they should behave.
1. Co2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps the suns energy. This is basic science that was discovered way back in May 1857 by a scientist called Tyndall. There is no debate on this.

2. The last 10 years where the hottest ever on record. Please see this link to those clever people at NASA. http://climate.nasa.gov/keyIndicators/

3. "Glaciers stopped melting?" "Overstated" Man where are you getting this from? :rolleyes: Please see check the National Snow & Ice Data Centre. http://nsidc.org/

4. "Cooling trend" ???? There is no cooling trend, we have had some cooler "years, but there is no trend. Why say that? "Warm spike" ???? The last 100 years is not a spike. :rolleyes:

5. Who is the con artist? The scientists with their knowledge and evidence or the people without qualification and evidence?
1.)Yes, I'm sure even a layperson knows what Co2 is. I am even ok to say that over the course of the last 100 years, Co2 emitted from man has increased. It's the little bit about what percentages of total Co2 in the atmosphere is from man, and what, if any, effects are from man, that are up for debate, and are only theories on both sides of the argument.

3.) Google is a great tool here. "Glaciergate" is a fun one to look-up. Additionally, overestimates of glacial melt range from the Himalayas, to Alaska, to the Andes. Also above a moderate elevation there has been zero activity anywhere on the planet.

2.) & 4.) That's the thing with you guys, "the last 10 years were the hottest on record" in what? The last 10 years? :rolleyes: It's great when graph get skewed the 'other' way....


And yes, definitely the last 100 last years was definitely a spike. I would honestly say stop trying to pin the warming spike on the industrial revolution, and step back and look at a longer timeline.


5.) Really? Never heard of Algore/Inconvenient Truth? From whom do you think companies would have to purchase "carbon credits" from?

For the Copenhagen Summit, that entire thing stinks. It's been called everything from a wealth redistribution summit, to an Eco Meet. Some of the possible outcomes are absolutely scary. The entire world's economy could hinge on a select few people, err wackos.
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