A Pet Shop in Kenosha - New store

All we are saying.. is give Steve a chance..

All we are saying.. is give Steve a chance..

First thing I just have to say after reading this whole thread is.... The owner of Fishy Bizness did not lose the store in a poker game... He moved.... to A Pet Shop.... ? Make sense?.... That aside... Yeah, they're deffinetly still in that getting the ball rolling stage, but they're picking up more steam every week.. Steve and the guys were good enough to show me the massive fuge system they have in the basement driving the salt tanks upstairs... You can bet your boots you're not going to buy coral out of a healthier system around here. And the prices... I've yet to raise an eyebrow..... I don't know... I think the trade of location is worth the trade of price.. Qualitys the same if not higher... Who cares about the two feet from your car to the door?... Ty...