A Reef in the Sky

Wow Andrew. Your tank is back to its prime greatness! I love the coral selection and placement. The minimal look your tank has, has definately set a standard that others would want to replicate in their reef tanks.

You have managed to setup and maintain a very healthy system; but also managed to pull off an artistic feat which has resulted in a mixture of nature and art and your reefkeeping skill/knowledge/experiance is clearly evident.

Keep up the great work! :)
Andrew! Your colours are absolutely amazing!!!

I recall you mentioning that your new plan includes some sort of a cutback on supplements. Are you still using Zeovit as the backbone of your system management...?

Beautiful coral quality once again!!

Your tank is amazing! I love your scape it's so open but allows the focal points to all be on the amazing SPS you have. I have to say I'm extremely jealous of your LFS!

Keep up the amazing work!

Thank you very much. Yes those of us in HKG are lucky with the LFS's

Lol... thank you

Looking spectacular as always!

Thanks Chad

wow very nice tanks guys ....cant wait till mine looks like that one day

Wow Andrew. Your tank is back to its prime greatness! I love the coral selection and placement. The minimal look your tank has, has definately set a standard that others would want to replicate in their reef tanks.

You have managed to setup and maintain a very healthy system; but also managed to pull off an artistic feat which has resulted in a mixture of nature and art and your reefkeeping skill/knowledge/experiance is clearly evident.

Keep up the great work! :)
Thanks Sahin and will do. I feel I'm having some success so far as I'm keeping it simple and not touching the corals. The artistic feel is exactly what I was looking to achieve.

I love your style, IMO those are the three best tangs in the hobby! Your sps collection is marvelous!
Thanks... they are lovely tangs and provide a nice contrast in colours.

Andrew! Your colours are absolutely amazing!!!

I recall you mentioning that your new plan includes some sort of a cutback on supplements. Are you still using Zeovit as the backbone of your system management...?

Beautiful coral quality once again!!

Hi Sheldon... yes that is true. I wanted to just dose the basics as I felt I got a bit carried away last time. I do not dose Coral Snow or Zeozym. If there is some cyano (like a few months ago, I simply adjust flow in the affected area and did an extra water change).

Currently I dose:
Zeobak 5Drops (x2 week)
Food7 2Drops (x2 week)
Biomate 5Drops (x2 week)
Xtra 3ml (x2 week)
Start3 0.4ml (x2 daily)

About to start CV 2 drops one or twice a week. Simply want to see if there is an increase in growth.

I only add Ca and Alk daily. No MG or anything else.

Hope that helps

amazing ! i'll be in Hongkong early April. hope to pay u a visit.

I love everything from your tank.
How can you keep the glass so clean? Can you show me?

Thank you. Clean it once every 2-3days. Takes less than 5mins.
Evening Pictures

Looking to achieve not just a nice tank but a piece of art for the home

Very important to keep the floor tiles clean for a nice reflection :thumbsup:
Hi Andrew,
The tank is looking great and all clear for take offfff :D

Your Zeo dosing schedule is very interesting.
Iv started dosing Pohl's Xtra 2ml daily since Jan 1, 2012 and started CV x 2 drops since yesterday. These are the only 2 Zeo products I'm using now, with Prodibio- digest and optim.
Needed a bit of advice:
Should I cut down on Pohl Xtra dosing after maybe 1 more week of daily dosing and go for 2ml weekly?
And CV daily 2 drops for a week then cut down dosing to 2 drops a week?
Will this be a good idea, since I'm not using any other Zeo products? Or should I go with the Zeo recommended daily dosing regimen?
I'm contemplating on adding B Balance in future.

Sorry for asking too many questions. :)
Hey Andrew!

What you mean "creating a piece of art"?
Gosh...this tank has already CREATED art...to me it's the definition of ART :)
And the reflection shot....Art in Reflection....Museum stuff right at home.
One thing I really like is also how ur payed tribute to the best wavemakers in business - the Vortech pane on one side and the Tunze pane on the other...pretty cool.

Awesomestest tank....ever :D
your tank is absolutely beautiful!!!

Thank you keepswimming!!

Hi Andrew,
The tank is looking great and all clear for take offfff :D

Your Zeo dosing schedule is very interesting.
Iv started dosing Pohl's Xtra 2ml daily since Jan 1, 2012 and started CV x 2 drops since yesterday. These are the only 2 Zeo products I'm using now, with Prodibio- digest and optim.
Needed a bit of advice:
Should I cut down on Pohl Xtra dosing after maybe 1 more week of daily dosing and go for 2ml weekly?
And CV daily 2 drops for a week then cut down dosing to 2 drops a week?
Will this be a good idea, since I'm not using any other Zeo products? Or should I go with the Zeo recommended daily dosing regimen?
I'm contemplating on adding B Balance in future.

Sorry for asking too many questions. :)
No worries Noob... I'll answer your questions on your thread for you.

Hey Andrew!

What you mean "creating a piece of art"?
Gosh...this tank has already CREATED art...to me it's the definition of ART :)
And the reflection shot....Art in Reflection....Museum stuff right at home.
One thing I really like is also how ur payed tribute to the best wavemakers in business - the Vortech pane on one side and the Tunze pane on the other...pretty cool.

Awesomestest tank....ever :D
Thanks Noob... the reflection is pretty cool isn't it?! That's an advantage of having tiled flooring. The tunze and vortechs are great and do their jobs well.

Thanks for following along.

Great shots Andrew :)
Thank you very much!

very cool pics!

this tank defines Reef Art
Thank you dallasg!! Greatly appreciated

any updates.. this tank is beautiful!
Thanks!! Not too many changes. I just follow dosing carefully and conduct water changes weekly. Keeping my hands out of the tank!!

There are no plans to add any more fish. Maybe some more coral but I am in no rush.

My x2 sea cumbers are finally working again after a month long sleep. They turn the substrate over nicely but seem to hang around the rocks and don't venture too far into the open. My snails are breeding like crazy and all come out at night time. There must be over 150!! :fun5:

I will add some more substrate (zeovit aragonite) to the front area which is bare but will let it soak for a few weeks in RODI water first. Again... no rush!!

Otherwise not much else...
Great photos! But this tank can make any photo look good!!!

Earlier u posted you were raising the two part by 5ml, what are you dosing total now?