Hi Stan, I usually do a water change every week (~25GAL) but sometimes every 2 weeks due to work commitments.
Thanks for the replies Andrew!
You are again setting the bar by going more minimalistic with the rock work.
Hmmm making me rethink and go even more minimalistic with mine too

You planning to move?
Keep up the great work!! Thanks for the updates and the inspiration.
Thanks Noob... yes planning to move but not sure when. If we do move there might be a new reef in the sky. Sketches are underway as I've had ideas for a a few years now.
Tank looks fantastic as always andrew!....... you in yyz at all next month (feb)?
Thank you sir!! No Toronto this month but I'll let you know when I have one coming up or even Vancouver. I hope all is well with you and your tank!
Hi Andrew.
Corals look in really good health and you are getting some great colours as usual.
I have always loved your system along with many others but despite the fantastic colours of the corals I can't help but think they should be sat upon a more interesting aquascape. As time has gone on the rock has dwindled in the tank and, if I'm honest, I miss your scape of old with the corals sat in prime position on those great structures you made.
Any reason you have stripped so much out?
Best regards
Thanks for the kind words Greg
Yes you are correct... the aquascape is not as 'exciting' as it used to be.
The reason I removed some rocks was because they had weeds on them and I wanted to see what it looked like with the coral placed lower. Plus it gives more room for the fish to swim
No changes planned to the current rock layout at this stage as we may have to move towards the end of the year.
Well I got through all 61 pages and Andrew you're probably sick of everyone telling you what a great reef you have but I must say, you're tank is beautiful! I'm looking for inspiration and I've gotten it now. Not that you need it, but Do you have any new plans in the making?
Thank you fishresponse for the kind words.
As we may have to move later in the year, plans/ideas are already underway.
Thank you
I've noticed that there are always a lot of changes to the livestock you keep. Are you selling off trading or giving away or did stuff die on you.
Yes I have sold off and given away frags in the past. I have had two corals die in the past 6months (the most recent two weeks ago) when we returned from a 2 week holiday. Not sure what happened to it exactly but I did notice it wasn't happy before we left (not much polyp extension etc).
I just have to tell you how I feel after YOUTUBE recommended your video to me. It's amazing to me a new hobbyist can become an advance one so fast. The open space you left for corals to grown and to achieve your vision of "reef in the sky"....Sensational. You learned from mistakes made and did your part in providing these marine animals with the best possible enviroment. You researched day and night to find out exactly what works and what does not - from aquascaping, protein skimmer, flow, rimless, lights, etc. You also give new hobbyist inspiration as you explain everything in great detail. Just wondering, where did you get your inspiration for you aquascape? Did you see Thor's bonsai inspired reef?Congrats and thanks for sharing your aquarium with the world.
WOW!! Thank you ashish for your very kind words.
I always wanted a large tank from the beginning but didn't feel comfortable/experienced enough so I elected for an all in one Red Sea Max 130. It was a great starter tank which I ran for approx 16months. I did a LOT of reading and research during that period in preparation for this current tank as I didn't want my money to go to waste. It was certainly worth the effort but in hindsight there are some things I would do differently.
As for the aquascaping... I noticed back in 2007-09 most reef tanks had the usual 'rock wall' which I didn't want. I came across Sunny's tank(s) and his 'island' layout instantly appealed to me. So I came up with ideas of how to best utilise that layout in my upcoming tank.
I have new (and hopefully) better ideas for my next tank... when ever that might be
Thanks again for the kind words :thumbsup::thumbsup: