I love the growth on that red table!! Beautiful
Thank you
Happy new year to you as well!
I'm in an ohhhhh and awe mode! How do you like the new light changes
I really like them.
Hey Andrew,
Welcome back...
Oh yea and ur back with a bang captain

Those colour contrasts of the corals look super beautiful.
You have really gone minimalistic with the rock work but still the tank is rocking

Are you running the Eco-lamps at reduced percentage? Is it just me or does the photos look bit dimmed out?
The coral growth looks amazing.
Thanks for the update
Thanks Noob... you are too kind. The pictures were taken in the evening so yes, the LEDs were not at 100%. I really like the evening settings I have programmed.
Wow Andrew, your corals look super! Very very nice! I'm inclined to almost say that the colours under the LED's look better than they were under T5's. In person, is this your own perception?
Thanks Sahin... I really like sunset on the reef. I've been tempted to use that setting for all day too. I like the LEDs a lot. Correcting the light balance is rather challenging.
I have always loved your tank! To be honest, your tank inspired my build. Hopefully mine can be at least half as nice as yours in a couple years. I noticed that you still have your T5's hung... do you still run it or has the last few months been strictly LED? And I'm gonna ask the forbidden question.... do you like the LEDS better than your T5 setup?
Thanks for the kind words and Im sure your tank will be great!!
I don't use the T5 lights anymore but just haven't taken then down yet as I need a few extra hands. I'm going to wait until I pull the tank down (ie: move house).
As for which light I like more. There is no doubt that the LEDs provide more lighting capabilities (sunrise/sunset) of the T5 tubes. Corals grow under both types. The spectrum is different though but i'm no expert to give advise. All I can say is that I'm sure LEDs will be the future.
Good to have u back, man!!!!
Happy 2013!!!
Same to you Walter.
Thank you
Looking good Andrew! Happy New Year!
You have apparently removed quite a bit of rock. Can you describe any unusual procedures you used to remove the rock, but save the coral. I am thinking of doing something similar.
Happy New Year to you too Steve. I didn't do anything special. The rocks that I removed didn't have any coral attached to them. I simply dosed a little more bacteria (Zeobak) for a week or two and that was it.
Hi Andrew.
Corals look in really good health and you are getting some great colours as usual.
As already mentioned the photos do look a but dim? Were the lights on reduced output?
I have always loved your system along with many others but despite the fantastic colours of the corals I can't help but think they should be sat upon a more interesting aquascape. As time has gone on the rock has dwindled in the tank and, if I'm honest, I miss your scape of old with the corals sat in prime position on those great structures you made.
Any reason you have stripped so much out?
Best regards
Thank you Greg. Yes the the pictures were taken during sunset, hence not as bright.
Yes you are correct... the aquascape is not a 'exciting' as it used to be. But don't worry... it will changed later in the year.
The reason I removed some rocks was because they had weeds on them and I wanted to see what it looked like with the coral placed lower. Plus it gives more room for the fish to swim.
U have gonne a bit too far in the minimalistc end IMHO but still your tank is on of teh best around!
Well done Andew!
Thanks Crazy... yes to be honest, the rock work is not exactly how I want it but I can't really do too much right now. Plus... a lot of the corals are attached to the rocks. Things will change. Promise ;p
Amazing! How do make your montis curl upwards and the pink Millie at the most back rhs. Stunning!
Also I sell there's 1 less mp40?
Thank you. The corals you mentioned just grow like that. No secret method.
Well spotted... I actually had a MP20 (Ecotech's first type of pump back in 2008) but I have put it in storage since it's not powerful enough.
Did some of your corals started to grow upwards after you added the LED? That's what I noticed in some tanks and see it in yours.
The corals began to grow upwards with my ATI powermodule lights. I believe that they just continued to do so once the LEDs were added.