Hey guys... time for an update again.
The tank was moved over to the new apartment last Saturday and the new stand delivered. Everything went smoothly with only one fish causality (a male anthias).
To answer some questions that I never got around to before.
1. Yes... I am staying in Hong Kong. Just moving up the road from where I previously lived.
2. I will use all the old equipment except a new stand and chiller.
3. The stand was built by my previous builder. It has a steel frame (coated for rust protection) and is covered by wood. I have put a vertical center brace in the front. There are no rollers as one end of the tank is close to the wall.
4. The main reason the stand was changed was because of rust. The old stand was also not as high as I wanted. It is now 2" higher and it is very pleasing to the eye. There is no rolling sump (due to space) and no table (due to the new electrical center) Pics of that to come

Plumbing has changed a little to allow more precision of flow control.
5. Live stock is being transferred... that is, what survives. I will be starting the Zeovit system again... meaning the 14-day cycle.
I did a a wet test yesterday. No leaks at all... so it is now being filled up with RODI water.
Here is what it looked like yesterday before the wet test.