A Special Thanks to xclusive252

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One Happy Reefer
In our community and Club of reefing there are bonds of friendship which are developed. On occasion these friends become very good friends, and some even become best of friends.

Eddie, went above beyond yesterday with his personal and professional time, to comfort my family during a stressful time in our lives. (I'll share more about this later)

Thank you Eddie.
The Lopez Family
Thank you very much Harry and Jarrett. To me the hobby is just a hobby and I hoped that the ppl I met doing this hobby would become friends real friends not just friends for the hobby and in my eyes I have made friends in the hobby and most in the club that will go past the hobby. It was nothing and I know if I needed the help you would have done the same. It was nothing and I hope all is ok we will talk later about the matter. on another note AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH jarrett cant wait to see the tank again lol thank you all again
How do we protect our children?
My son on his way home from school was attacked by an older bigger looking boy in my yard. Stole his watch (apparently a popular watch in kid circles) and threatened to kill him if he told or called the police. My son (13 yrs old) called me hysterically crying and scared for his life. I arrived home in mins where my mother who was home didnt hear anything.

I immediately called 911, and within mins two police vans and several foot patrol officers were at my door. Crimes that happen within a certain time slot there is a possibility of catching the perpetrator, hence we all jumped into a police van to search the neighborhood. Immediately we received radio calls of police stopping and questioning people fitting the description.

After ten or so mins, the kid wannabe thug was found, stopped, searched, and arrested for the crime. He's in jail and being held until the trial.

I can't say anymore until this is all over, but I just wanted to use this example to discuss "How do we protect our children?" "When do we begin to teach our children streetwise tactics?"

Mistake #1 was not running or going into a store and tell the clerk to call the police or me.
Go toward crowded areas.
Mistake #2 never go into an area that is isolated ie the yard or quiet street.

These are simple rules but what else can we tell em without frightening our children more than is necessary?

My son is fine, and PO Exclusive252 made us feel safe and confident that putting away this future criminal has made a difference in the world.
It was a good day in court Harry and I enjoyed spending time with little Harry and talking reef with you. Like I said anytime and no worries its the least I can do for a friend.
It was a common interest that made us all meet... during the course of that meet, some become brothers.

This is what separates NY Reef Club members from the other clubs or forums... our BOND!!

Glad your with us Xclusive!
While it's sad to know that these things go on out there, it's good to hear that your boy wasn't hurt, and that the perp was caught.
It's always good to know that we have one of NY's finest in our midst, too.
Wow Harry right in your yard? That's crazy..glad to hear that everything is ok now. Ever think about getting your son into martial arts? MMA is the big thing now but I think it sends the wrong message..the people that do it for a living just like to hurt people and they call it a sport but there is legit disciplines that have honor like Aikido and jujitsu. Personally I love Aikido..that's the stuff Steven Seagal does. It's about controlling your attacker and directing him away from you more than injuring him. It's a great self defense technique. There's definitely a good group of guys in this club and I'm proud to be a part of it. It's just unfortunate I haven't been able to make the last few meets but I'll see you all Saturday.
Personally doc i would teach your kid how to defend himself send him to a class or something.
I got beat up every day in JR HS for being one of 4 white kids in the whole school ( i went to satellite west in the brooklyn navy yard) the first year they got me pretty good, mom sent me to martial arts school and by the second year i was holding my own and even winning against 4 to 6 kids that where several years older than me. explains alot about me huh?
Ok im gonna have to say this I think little Harry did the right thing by handing his property over to this kid and did not get hurt from my professional view. You should never fight someone who is tring to rob you because a $100 watch is not worth your life. +1 for little Harry doing the right thing. Getting robbed is scary for anyone and even more for a 13 yr old boy. He was robbed by a 17yr old kid with friends and a 6 inch steak knife. If you feel you would have fought back your crazy and should not give anyone advice on what to do. I would have gave him my watch and I carry a gun everyday as a father and police officer I'm saying Harry did the right thing.
i am still in shock he did not get hurt??? I hope this bad guy suffers in jail and feels how it is when they beat him up in jail. I hope all is well for little Harry. I would still see if he would do the martial arts thing so he even does not feel scared if it happens again.
Im sry to hear ppl say they have bad opions of cops. Not all cops are bad and most of all not all ppl are good also. But like I said im happy Harry is ok.
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