New member
Well he did put up about 6 video's on Youtube. What would be cool, is a live feed of his tank.
Good stuff
Well he did put up about 6 video's on Youtube. What would be cool, is a live feed of his tank.
Good stuff
How can I find these videos?
I just googled "Biggles acro reef tank" and it came right up then subscribed to his channel.
Logged on to RC today. Was going to complain that you haven't posted an updates for a month or so. Well its been 14 days or so since the last major update. Just seemed like a month. So I researched things a bit. And I found I have been following your threads for two years now. The amount of information and reading material you have provided rivals the Harry Potter Book series. I don't know how you have kept me interested and entertained for two years, so thank you. People have come, Fishy, Sahan, Bello, to name a few. They have gone. But you are still rolling. Two years is a long time. If your slowing up, I am fine with it. Not really, but what can you do. I will just continue following.
My question of the day, coming up is year three of the great Acro Christmas tree contest. Do you still have year one and year two winners? If so how are they doing.
Hey Marty...I dont know who this Sahan is, but I can assure you I am still around. :blown: Just a little more busy than I used to be. :facepalm:
I just started my new tank thread. But life is busy with 3 kids, work and all the other stuff thrown in. Andrew has way more time than me.
Anyway, Andrew has a tank which is way cooler than mine and with very colourful acros in it so I'm not surprised he manages to lure you back to this thread and will keep doing so. :crazy1:
Andrew, the corals are looking great. I have been following your YT channel. Now that Firetruck looks pretty cool. Maybe I can find something like it at the back of my tank? :eek1:
I have an a@53hole of a female clown who likes to try and take chunks out of the back of your hand while trying to hold freshly glued frags as still as possible while the glue sets - I swear the only time she does it is when gluing corals, maybe the superglue sends her into a ice rage? usually results in the frag being glued being displaces and then knocking over may other corals, or as I found out last night I also have a jerk of a barrier reef chromis that didn't want any frags on his patch of ground and over about 30mins proceeded to smash them off and carry them off to the other side of the tank and dump them :furious:
Hi Dom, I have something similar from an Aussie shipment 1 to 2 months back. It came in yellower but turned more pink over time. Polyps are a deep red. I just managed to borrow a par meter and my lights were shockingly low. I run a 5ft 8 tube powermodule hybrid over a 6ft tank. The light was about 12 inches above the surface and this coral was about 8 to 10 inches below the surface. it was getting about 150 par. I attribute the loss of yellow and increase in pink to the low lighting. I have since lowered the light to about 7 inches above the surface and par has increased to about 250ish. Hopefully the yellow will come back.
Silence from Andrew isn't good...
Are you okay? Tank update - did the RTN stopped?
Man you guys down in OZ get all the good stuff they give us the exploding iPhones here.
Logged on to RC today. Was going to complain that you haven't posted an updates for a month or so. Well its been 14 days or so since the last major update. Just seemed like a month. So I researched things a bit. And I found I have been following your threads for two years now. The amount of information and reading material you have provided rivals the Harry Potter Book series. I don't know how you have kept me interested and entertained for two years, so thank you. People have come, Fishy, Sahan, Bello, to name a few. They have gone. But you are still rolling. Two years is a long time. If your slowing up, I am fine with it. Not really, but what can you do. I will just continue following.
My question of the day, coming up is year three of the great Acro Christmas tree contest. Do you still have year one and year two winners? If so how are they doing.
Andrew, the corals are looking great. I have been following your YT channel. Now that Firetruck looks pretty cool. Maybe I can find something like it at the back of my tank? :eek1:
Andrew, do you have any of these around your house?
It stopped until i made it start again Kevin.........:hammer:
At least I was allowed to bring the car with cup holders today for our catch up :lolspin:
I don't like groin nursed coffee Dom..........
I made a start, red chalice scarf and fireworks flower in his hat. :thumbsup: