A Splash of Color

I am looking forward to receiving your PM Andrew. Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom and thanks for sharing your amazing corals' pictures.

Thanks for the kind words Bulent :)

I dose lanthanum chloride to lower phosphates.

I doubt the quantity present in the dose i am adding is having any significant impact on phos but who knows.

forgive the repeated questions, but I'm on midnight shift for another week and just got up...I havent had any coffee yet, so my brain isnt functioning at 100% yet.

Did you guys add the Matrix because you were seeing an increase in NO3 and PO4 due to the increased nutrients/Amino's from the Biggle's Juice, or was there another reason to add the Matrix?

I know keep fish in the tank primarily to feed your acros, but could you give a brief list of the fish you have in the tank and what sort of QT you use when adding fish to your system?

I'm looking to get some anthias for my 120 reboot and I'm curious to see what you do for yours.

Thanks again.

I added the matrix prior to changing my water keeping method simply to create a potent bio filter to replace the gfo i used to run months back. I think it produces much higher levels of bacteria for its size than live rock and i also believe that placing it in the right current allows some of that bacteria to be constantly swept into the water current and available to the corals as a food source. Basically, i think you can get the same benefits from it and siporax etc as you get from shaking zeo stones in a reactor.

I don't quarantine fish or anything else mate. I have 3 tangs, 5 anthias, 4 wrasse, 3 glassfish, royal gramma, 2 clowns - i think that's it. In the last 3 months i have had 2 dartfish and 3 wrasse jump and die so i'm not buying any more wrasse etc and will be adding more anthias and another tang if and when Dave gets me the one i asked for. I feed lots of crushed flake which the anthias love but the bigger fish ignore as the size isn't worth chasing. Anthias do best with lots of little meals so an auto feeder over a feeding ring would be an easy solution if you couldn't be home to feed manually.

Thanks mate :)

Yea, I have as well.That's why I was a little confused.

The list is like looking at a line on the periodic table - the Lanthanide series. :reading:

This is on the 19th dec so basically two months ago - the week after i contaminated the water and killed or pooped out all the acros. Not a good focus pic but it's the only older pic i could find to show you what it looked like upset and shut down as opposed to just two months later when it is starting to shoot good growth.



The Death Star is now fully operational, even through dirty glass..................

Purified water, Barium chloride, Sodium metavanadate, Zinc sulfate, Nickel chloride, Chromium chloride, Sodium feredetate, Manganese chloride, Hafnium chloride, Cobalt chloride, Lanthanum chloride, Neodymium chloride, Cerium chloride, Silver chloride, Dysprosium chloride, Gadolinium chloride, Ytterbium chloride, Erbium chloride, Scandium chloride, Samarium chloride, Praseodymium chloride, Holmium chloride, Lutetium chloride, Terbium chloride, Europium chloride, Thulium chloride

Lanthanum chloride seems a little strange to be in there.

Are these the ingredients in Koralcolor?
Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your topic! It's very interesting!

..... Don't forget i have 16L of matrix now for 600L water so between that and the sand bed i have lots of cozy places for bacteria - a lot more than you per litre perhaps.......

Is only the matrix do filtration and export for nitrates and phosphates in your system? What else do you use for filtration refugium, liquid carbon, GFO ..... ?
How you do the matrix maintain, how often do you change the matrix?
Could you put any pictures how the matrix is into the sump, please?

Your corals absolutely amazing!
That last pic is awesome! You can really see how much thought you put into color placement. Good stuff bud
That last photo is an absolute stunner Andrew, would you know the name of that yellow monster on the right?
Amazing colors and picture Andrew !!!

One day, before my transition to another physical life, I will try to have a 100% Acro tank with those colors. I just need time and be able to be at home...... 9 years yet to my retirement !!!

In the meantime I am following all these amazing threads at RC and learning from them. And from my simple SPS tank issues.

All the best !!!
This dark force leader will stop at nothing to embarrass the rebellion... But.... on a serious note, dark force, rebellion all aside, the last picture made me really think I was snorkeling on a reef, the colors are outstanding Andrew! The break in colors and contrast is second to NONE... Well done sir!
Thank you mhucasey for giving me a laugh on a very trying day, much appreciated! And thank you Andrew for your continued sense of humor and willingness to share what you know. I agree the corals look bonkers good but what I really want to know is...how do you keep your sand so dang clean all the time? :)
Thank you mhucasey for giving me a laugh on a very trying day, much appreciated! And thank you Andrew for your continued sense of humor and willingness to share what you know. I agree the corals look bonkers good but what I really want to know is...how do you keep your sand so dang clean all the time? :)

That's what I want to know 2! I have asked this question in my thread and most responses were regular stiring the sand. I would be interested to hear what Andrew does to keep it so white.
Well I'm gone for just a little while and look what happens!!! A new thread and 30 pages already! Got some reading to do tomorrow :). Andrew I am back from my forum hiatus and am getting serious about my reefing again. Had my new tank ticking along and left it to do its thing (not very pretty, algae everywhere). But I will be starting a new build shortly and all I can say about it is Optiwhite, LED and relatively small ;) Oh and it will be Acro dominant :). Its so good to be back, have so much to catchup on :)
Well I'm gone for just a little while and look what happens!!! A new thread and 30 pages already! Got some reading to do tomorrow :). Andrew I am back from my forum hiatus and am getting serious about my reefing again. Had my new tank ticking along and left it to do its thing (not very pretty, algae everywhere). But I will be starting a new build shortly and all I can say about it is Optiwhite, LED and relatively small ;) Oh and it will be Acro dominant :). Its so good to be back, have so much to catchup on :)

Welcome back. Be sure to tell us when the new thread is up.