A Splash of Color

I say we go with meese mate............ :thumbsup:

Let's drop the meese talk before it gets out of hand. What other animals do you have in Canada and are they as silly looking as meese.......:reading:

I am going to video Dom trying to cut frags from the yellow pointer's lair - i think we'll all enjoy watching that. :)

Great minds think alike......Meese it is. I can't think of any other animal up there that is as goofy as meese are. I would wager that if we went back in time, we could prove that the platypus actually evolved in what would become Canada then migrated to what would become Australia before Pangea broke up.

Make sure you have multiple cameras in place for when Dom attempts to frag around the lair of your yellow tang. That way we have multiple viewing angles to enjoy while watching his fingers get shredded.
Although meese could make a great national animal for Canada, our humble nature led us to choose this animal as our national pride:
As Pete points out, it is in FACT the missing link to aussie's platypus..
I give you the majestic beaver
Although meese could make a great national animal for Canada, our humble nature led us to choose this animal as our national pride:
As Pete points out, it is in FACT the missing link to aussie's platypus..
I give you the majestic beaver

Nice Beaver:)
Although meese could make a great national animal for Canada, our humble nature led us to choose this animal as our national pride:
As Pete points out, it is in FACT the missing link to aussie's platypus..
I give you the majestic beaver

You, my friend, have won the internet today. :thumbsup:
So many ways to go with that......but in order to keep this thread from being deleted, I will just stick with

Nice Beaver:)

Thank you.
Plural is beavii, in case anyone was wondering.

Odd, I've always been told it's beavage.
Andrew, I'm glad that your mums better. Now please clean the display and post us some SPS eye candy. No beavers please...
It's amazing what a picture of a buck toothed, hairy, flat tailed rodent brings out in such an esteemed reefing crowd :facepalm: Personally the beaver should been dumped for the loon 100 years ago, who doesn't like a loon on a Saturday night :eek2:
It's amazing what a picture of a buck toothed, hairy, flat tailed rodent brings out in such an esteemed reefing crowd :facepalm: Personally the beaver should been dumped for the loon 100 years ago, who doesn't like a loon on a Saturday night :eek2:

I know, it's beautiful isn't it?

If a loon is anything like Canadian geese, then no thank you. I can't think of a more vile flying animal. Not only do they leave massive 2 inch green poops all over parking lots and golf courses, they drop those suckers when they fly too. Having one of those smash into your car could be devastating. Makes me consider wearing a helmet when they're around.
You need to brush up on your Canadian water fowl. The beautiful and peaceful Canadian loon should never be classed together with the irritating and belligerent Canada goose. The are only two uses for the Canada goose, food and feathers to fill those $800 Canafa Goose winter coats :)
Andrew, don't rile up the Canadians they never stop. Now all we have in here is loony moose beavers.

edit: and yes, hope your mom is on the mend!
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I looked up the loon and although there are some similarities between the two, it is indeed a different critter. I guess I would be ok with that proposal, but I'm guessing you'd face some stiff opposition when trying to replace the beaver.

Andrew, I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing well. Now hurry back and provide us with some much needed acro porn before this thread has multiple pages devoted to discussing the finer points of Canadian fauna.
I'm just going to say one quick thing: you must google the call of the loon before making any judgement. It is its call that makes it so iconic..
Now, I'm sure Andrew will appear shortly as the sun must be coming up over there fairly soon..
Help us Biggles... Once us Canadians start naval gazing, it's only moments before we start 'cleaning' ourselves like pstank1's perverted cat...
Andrew, I hope things are ok...
Ill family members is always difficult...
I hope that what's keeping you away is something like Shark Week on your favorite tv network and not anything more serious!
This is what happens when i take pics of the yellow trolls hangout. He comes running.........


In full great yellow shark mode.


Giving me a filthy look.


Charging at me when i began to stand up.


I am going to video Dom trying to cut frags from the yellow pointer's lair - i think we'll all enjoy watching that. :)

That tang is hilarious! I can totally see this happening and I can't wait to see the video.

Hope all is well Andrew, looking forward to more updates from you. :)
Sorry for going missing again but mom still isn't well so i've been away on and off. I have the day off tomorrow so i'll catch up with everyone then :)

Wow Matt, you've overtaken Biggles when it comes to coral porn. Great stuff in this thread.

Canada has declared acro porn war on Aus ! Matt carpet bombed his journal with acro porn in an unprovoked attack clearly aimed at poor old biggles i reckon........:uzi:

Just beginning to color up


One of my favorites


Delicate deepwater


A precision guided acro porn missile.........


The yellow tang refuses to do acro porn......


That was just a taste of what's coming.......... operation reef storm will commence at first light over the display.

Bloody Canadians..... :deadhorse1: