A Splash of Color

Hey Andrew, sorry to read your mum is still not well, hopefully things will turn around soon. Some nice pieces as usual, look forward to your next mission :D
Good to hear from you, Andrew! Was wondering about your mom.

That shot across the bough is bound to set Canada/Aussie relations back centuries!!!!
And it's all sahin's fault!

Leave it to the English to pit Canada and Australia against each other!!!!! Sheeeesh!
Keep the Acro porn coming!!! Lordy that deepwater and the precision guided missed are freakin amazing Biggles. Best wishes for your mom, hopefully her healt takes a turn for the better.
Andrew, feel free to hit me with that delicate deep water and the porn missile any time!
Is that the working title of the next Bond movie?
'The porn missile and the delicate deep water'
A little clunky, I guess..
Andrew, I can't imagine how first coral in the pic will be when it changes its color :eek1:
Hope your mom will be well soon
Andrew, feel free to hit me with that delicate deep water and the porn missile any time!
Is that the working title of the next Bond movie?
'The porn missile and the delicate deep water'
A little clunky, I guess..


Not clunky, just backwards maybe. . . :idea:

Featuring James Bond in "Deep Water and the Delicate Porn Missle" :beer::smokin:

Hehehe :hmm3:

I hope things for you and your Mom are on the mend biggles!

:beer: to brighter days ahead for you all. :beer:
Not enough pics buddy:)
We need more,can't get enough of them:beer:

Wish everything will be ok with your mom mate!
Thanks to all of you for the well wishes, means a lot my friends :) Mom went to see her heart specialist this morning and mr high and mighty professor blah blah was unimpressed with my explanation of atrial fibrillation ablation - the procedure mom next needs.

He told her that he won't be 'burning', 'zapping', 'electrocuting' or 'killing a tiny bit of her heart' and that she is to ring his office in future if she wants anything explained in more detail. He did say in reference to my explanation ' i'm sure your son meant well' ............. :thumbsup:





That deepwater acro less than 48hrs after collection from the GBR


Dave from Deer Park aquarium with two acros that are now in my safe keeping, the purple pigments are blue under reef lighting :)

Icefire colored speciosa i believe - i can put a frag of icefire echinata next to it if you want so you can see the difference in growth pattern.


All blue A.rosaria

Oooooh! Jealous!!
Can't wait to see them in your system..
And of course I want to see the ice fires side by side.
You think I'm gonna let you make all the decisions?
You win today Andrew. None of us can top that.

My LFS kicks the SPS arse of any other LFS in the country - go check out Deer Park aquarium on FB to see what happens when the proprietor Dave gets bitten hard by the SPS bug......... 6x4x1 lit by 4 x 250W halides, LED's and 4 x 54W T5's - the skimmer is needed to clean up all the drool that guys like me put in the water when we're looking down on the pretties :p


Oooooh! Jealous!!
Can't wait to see them in your system..
And of course I want to see the ice fires side by side.
You think I'm gonna let you make all the decisions?

Now that they're side by side i'm thinking it might be an echi taken from a low flow area of the reef..... no idea anymore lol. The frag is Dom's of course.




Sand is blowing where it wants to as usual.......

Your tank and lfs is sickening. One day I hope to achieve colors near yours. How your mom us well.
Your tank and lfs is sickening. One day I hope to achieve colors near yours. How your mom us well.

Thanks mate :)

The frog's a goner, sat in one place for too long and BAM ! - venus soli trap strikes again.......... :sad2:


After a phone call to Dom seeking advice as to the frogs predicament we both agreed that the only common sense approach to take was to give the frog an acro tip safety helmet...... i will of course keep you all updated as to the frog's fate over time......:reading:
And you said things weren't looking great, you bloody fibber!! :lolspin: damn you got some sweet pieces in the last little while, you weren't lying about that at least! That delicate deepwater is amazing! :inlove:

I definitely have to say we have the best acro dealer in Aus :D I still haven't had the chance to see the new tank yet :(

EDIT: I still can't get that deep saturated purple and blue from my tricolour :( It's just brown at the moment! Is it nutrient or light sensitive? Because I'm pretty sure there's some nutrients floating around in my waters lol
Andrew I hope your mom is better.

That picture of the LFS tank is not fair. Any of my "reef LFS" around Boston that I have visited DO NOT have colonies like that ones. We always have to start from 1-2 " frags or a "minicolony" (2-3 small branches ). And , if they have one of those colonies (rare to see) it cost a fortune. Moreover, when we get those corals in Boston they already traveled half of the world. Instead you almost have them growing in your house porch. That is NOT FAIR...... I am Jelous and want to relocate to Australia. ... LOL ... :-)

Splash of colors indeed:inlove:

That frog pic is sooooo cool!!That will become the coolest frag ever in the future:beer:
Andrew I hope your mom is better.

That picture of the LFS tank is not fair. Any of my "reef LFS" around Boston that I have visited DO NOT have colonies like that ones. We always have to start from 1-2 " frags or a "minicolony" (2-3 small branches ). And , if they have one of those colonies (rare to see) it cost a fortune. Moreover, when we get those corals in Boston they already traveled half of the world. Instead you almost have them growing in your house porch. That is NOT FAIR...... I am Jelous and want to relocate to Australia. ... LOL ... :-)


I agree with you.................it isn't fair :angryfire:
Hope your mom starts feeling better Andrew. Family illnesses are tough. :(

Outstanding pictures and corals you picked up. Man I wish I had a LFS as good as that one. We have one that picks up a few pieces, meaning like 4-5 and that is all that we see for a month or so. People like to drool over the access to frags that we have, but they are always small and cost a pretty penny.