A Splash of Color

Lol awesome. Biggles taking his corals out to frolic in the yard.

I guess you could say he is ironing out the kinks in his coral.....


I'll show myself out

My corals are jealous...they have to stay inside and don't ever get to play in the yard:lolspin:

At this rate he will be getting complaints from the neighbours.

Keep those things on a damn leash Andrew. There WILD
So basically what you're all saying is ' i dare you to get a pic of Nick's frag going through the Macca's drive thru............ '

That's my take on what you guys are saying :)

It's true. Reefers Handbook, section 4 article 2.B. "Thou shall execute thy duties of the double dog dare."

I mean I'd give you a pass Andrew but I wouldn't want it to reflect poorly at the next Reef Gods council meeting.
Ok..... Whoa man.....i dont know what to say.... Way to overreact lol.... Im sorry u took it as an insult to your water quality....
This is the third frag you gave me that time Nick, it's the least attractive of the three atm but it has some serious color potential that's much more obvious in real life. :thumbsup:


You'll know when i'm not just messing about Nick lol - the BBQ will be going....:p
A. gemmifera under the base of the stags, needs more light but i want it where it is so it will have to grow to the light :)


Edit: wrote A. humilis but i meant to say i think it's a gemmifera......
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Just checked how happy that acro looked in a super low iron environment Nick - don't think it looks any better mate.

Looked quite drab on my neighbor's non tin roof.



On the clothes line it popped a bit more but still not great.


The BBQ made it way more green looking - lot of iron in the barbie though..........


As soon as i placed it back in the display it looked a lot happier so i don't know about this high iron theory Nick :reading:

:facepalm: Speechless.......when exactly did they ban aluminum pots in Aus?
Told lies yet again . Was told all you Aussie folk put on the barby was shrimp.
Think that sea food will lead to a big dental bill.
Did you ever get a pic of that neon green tipped acro? Also what and how often are you feeding your fish these days? How many fish do you have in there? Corals are looking great, I am surprised the new colonies are still so pale. What subspecies is the big flat green colony on the last page where you used gel filters?

Would a system with a very high amount of food input and high number of fish, also being low nutrient or .03 po4 and .02 and under nitrate, work well with the maganese and low iron to manipulate color tones? I have not seen any affects from it. I am using a high amount of vodka and vinegar to keep nutrients low as well. I have been trying to get away from the dark bold colors and create crisper bright colors but it's eluded me so far. Trying to do it without using a zeolite stone system. I will be sending in a sample to Triton to see where I am at maybe I need more of something.