A take on BB methodology.

Funny thing is the bb master comes out with some not so colorful pictures and claims success!!??? HMM maybe they are rare corals!?? I dont know!
Mike, I'll just have to put your link on that other thread. I was looking for it the other day and couldn't find it. :) thanks!

How do you vacuum a DSB once a month and avoid a cyano bloom when you do it?? It takes longer to get a DSB established than a month. How do you tear it apart each month and not have new DSB syndrome constantly?
Why would you get a cyano bloom from vaccuming 25% OF THE SAND BED ??I am talking 25% surface all the way down to the plenum. I never have cyano i use a ro/di for top off but all my phosphate goes out the tube when i vaccum!
Did I miss something?

Bombers tank has Caribbean corals (Which makes them some of the rarest in the hobby) and for whatever reason God didn't bless that part of the world with the diversity of Acroporas (in species or colors.) I guess he had to make room for all those Gorgonians. So when I see his tank they are the colors they are supposed to be according to my references. IMO a healthy tank is what's attractive regardless of the colors and how one achieves that is up to that person.There is, has never been ,and never will be a best way. There is just the way that works for you. Todays it's this way and tomorrow it's that way.
bluebentgrass said:
Funny thing is the bb master comes out with some not so colorful pictures and claims success!!??? HMM maybe they are rare corals!?? I dont know!

What's sad is that no amount of baiting or taunting will ever fill the cold, empty shell that you have become. I'm sorry. :(

Or not. :)
But it doesn't all go down the tube. You're only vaccuuming 25% of the sand. That means there is still 75% of the sandbed that is retaining decaying nutrients and phosphate at any given time. It doesn't matter if you do this weekly - there is still 25% of your sand that is 4 weeks dirty. Not to mention that phosphate adsorbs to sand particles. Vaccuming can't fix that.

I'm not saying you can't deal with phosphate (and nutrients in general) in tank with sand. But your method is not optimal over the long run - and not even comparable to what continually takes place in a well-setup BB tank. Just because you see "nothing" now doesn't mean "something" isn't bulding up. It's based on principle, my friend - and you can't change that. But feel free to continue arguing.... :p
Even the phosphate that's bound to your sand? or in a bacterial bio-film on the sand?
So you're turning your plenum aerobic once a month too?
What about the sand under your rocks that you can't get to?
bound to sand? in what form? capo4? If i vaccum sand and remove bacteria wont the equllibrium shift from sand to bacteria? It does!!!
he3ll my tank has been running strong for 4 years. I guess i am like randy in the chemistry forum we dont see how a sand bed can crash.. I think you guys are just good at KILLING stuff and shifting the blame to sand!@!!!
You can't remove the bacterial bio-film by vacuuming your sand and if you're vacuuming down to the plenum every month, you're aerating the plenum every month. It takes longer for a plenum to get established than one month too.
how about the fine particulate matter cap04? wont that go down the tube when i vaccum???

Almost like a dust???

Do you know the ksp for capo4??
How soluble is the demon anyway?

Just a suggestion bluebentgrass, but you may consider thinking and then typing.
Your reply makes absolutely no sense.

What is this: "wont the equllibrium shift from sand to bacteria?"
How can organisms (bacteria) and inanimate objects (sand) oscillate in equilibrium? Does your sand observe population dynamics? :lol:
I pray that is how i test my tank and the good lord keys me in..

he he

How does anyone read undectible when you can go to ppb?????
\Think about the undectible number!!!!