A take on BB methodology.

population dynaminc hell no!! its called diffusion!!!!
passive difusion ksp of cap04 do you know the ksp for cap04?
Probably not!! i see i am making some good friends here!!
bluebentgrass said:
I pray that is how i test my tank and the good lord keys me in..

Other than that. What can you test for and what can you do with those results?
What can you do to tell if you're even doing something right or wrong?
bluebentgrass said:
how does a bacterium concentrate phosphate? Active transport?hmmmm
Bomber said:
Other than that. What can you test for and what can you do with those results?
What can you do to tell if you're even doing something right or wrong?
Gee, off the top of my head - nope, don't know the Ksp of CaPO4.
It must have been replaced with what I had for dinner last night.
Sorry, can't play with you anymore...
yeah bomber it is a worthless measurement know how many oxidizing molecules verusus reducing moleucles is totally worthless!!!

You can kill alot of stuff if you know what i mean!!
You are telling me to check it. Tell me why and how accurate those results are and what they mean and what you would do to correct it.
What's the obsession with the solubility product of calcium phosphate? What does it matter that it's around 1x10-26.

What's the significance of that?
