A take on BB methodology.

I think one of the biggest problems folks have when looking at the so called natural meathods of filtrations (ex: dsb, algae refugium and so on) is that they assume them to be the simplier method as they are a natural process. In fact they a brutally complex and very inter dependant upon each and every pathway they take. Just in the bacterial cycling mode it is not one bacteria sitting on top of another in a linear fashion. It looks more like a tree with multiple branches (pathways) each with a different out come and a different biproduct. Natural bacterial pathways are designed to always be in a state of flux, with multiple strains picking up nitch pathways to make up for short comings and problems. If you screw up one of the major pathways you send the system into chaos and large fluxes then take place, things like power outages, oxygen depervations, medications, fluxes in ph, orp and anything really that has an impact in the various bacterial populations can have dramtic and long term negative effects on the whole system. And all this is just in what happens in the wild and not the true way it is in closed captive system, in here all of the above problem become more evident.
As per BB system and those that run them, I think Bomber and others are of a like mind to myself. I concede!!!! They are to complex, they are to inerdependant upon each pathway they use, they dont have the ability to do what they need to do because of scale and recruitement, the list goes on. When we are talking about BB system or Sand system all we are talking about is waste and detritus removal, I would love to just be able to put sand in a go back to bed? and not to worry about it, BUT it doesnt work that way. So instead I will deal with my detritus/nutrients/waste in real time and just remove them instead of tryingn to lock them into cycles or organics. Truely its just as simple as that. Thier is no magic formula to running a BB tank, You use well designed flow to keep detritus in the water column, this allows it to be used by the corals for food and also allows it to be removed from the display to a place where it can be processed. In the processing place folks use skimmers, some use ozone, UV and a variety of other things if they want, you make the call on what you need or want. If you water flow in the main tank is set up well you will end up with a couple of piles of detritus that you syphon out. Also give your LR a blow from time to time to make sure detritus/waste doesnt build up.

For my tank I syphone the piles once a month at best, I use an external pump with an inline jacuzzi filter on it, then just hose in and out. Take about a 1/2hour on a 16 foot tank. Atthe same time I blow off the rocks and use a filter sock to catch the detritus. If this is a maintence nightmare, well I guess I dont understand the meaning.

Anyway sorry for the long post.

I see and agree with bombers methodology, But i hate starting at bb. Wish there was another way around looking at the startboard. Maybe on my next tank make a aragocrete base for the tank. For now i guess i am suck exporting. Its working great right now and i am getting great results, But i cant have the flow i want because or thr ssb, and i hate cc more than starboard.
One question for bomber, on skimmer preferances. Which do you preferre? I am stuck on a h and s, or a mrc for my new 500 gallon. I dont believe bubblekings are worth it i can run 3 very nice ones rather than one.
One last question have you seen the artical on advanced aquariest on substrates?
Creetin said:
One last question have you seen the artical on advanced aquariest on substrates?


That's where this came from:

We did not test bare bottom tanks, but the data clearly suggest that the shallower the sediment, the higher the mortality rate, and you can't get much shallower than a bare bottom tank!
Bomber said:
Not one single person on all those threads in all these years has been able to prove me wrong.
Why don't you do some research and see if you can be the first? :)

That's what i'm saying, out of 100's of pages, over a couple of years, all they can do is keep saying the same thing over and over again, asking the same questions over and over again. It actually made reading those posts hard.

The main and only point that anyone could make is that BB dont look good. :rolleyes: I've seen a starboard tank in real life and I can tell you that this guys coral was so healthy, I didn't even notice the bottom.

I have a question. In the begining of this thread I mentioned a problem I am having with converting my tank to BB. (Before anyone says ..Ah Ha!! BB doesnt work. Let me state. I made a couple mistakes when I converted. Undersized skimmer. Old rocks from a SSB. It's me ... not the system. )

You mentioned sps drawing PO4 from old rocks. I noticed a couple of my sps that are having problems, bleaching slightly from the bottom with a green tint. Is the the problem you mentioned? Will upgrading my skimmer (40 gal tank.. buying a skimmer designed for a 200 gal tank) help. Is there anything else you would reccomend?

I have a question. In the begining of this thread I mentioned a problem I am having with converting my tank to BB. (Before anyone says ..Ah Ha!! BB doesnt work. Let me state. I made a couple mistakes when I converted. Undersized skimmer. Old rocks from a SSB. It's me ... not the system. )

You mentioned sps drawing PO4 from old rocks. I noticed a couple of my sps that are having problems, bleaching slightly from the bottom with a green tint. Is the the problem you mentioned? Will upgrading my skimmer (40 gal tank.. buying a skimmer designed for a 200 gal tank) help. Is there anything else you would reccomend?

I'm not bomber but the green tint was exactly what he was talking about with the sps wicking up phosphates from the live rock..
And I wasn't saying that this was "your method" but search for BB or Starbooard and you wont find too many posts that don't have your name in it.

I know you didn't invent BB, you made it clear that some dude was keeping hard corals in a BB tank 100 years ago.

But that dude wasn't using eductors, starboard, cooking his rocks, or using a becket.. That was all you, and that's why I said "take on a method"
Ohh didnt catch this was a hot topic. Proceed bb militants.;)
Let me just say there might be healthy corals but my eye gets drawn to that crusty bottom everytime and i would want to scrape it. LOL!
SeanT, are you still going to post a "how to" setup of a BB tank, or do you still need arm twisting?

I realize that it's tough to do, as there are many ways to do this with success, but I am interested in how you did it.
Yeah i know, I was hoping no one else noticed.. Thanks for blowing my spot up. ;)

Off topic: I once saw a triple and I think a quadruple post on RC.
A Question to Bomber

A Question to Bomber

I have followed your post fro a while here on R/C and even in the Zeo Debates and the thread about no bacteria beeign found in the cultures (by researchers here on R/C).

I am currently in the process of a 270 biuld in in my basement. the dimensions are 72*36*24 and its acrylic.

Iam not going to use live rock in the tank at all! I have ordered all reef ceramics for the tank and intend to sit it in salt water for about 6 weeks with rubble rocks (buying it from a LFS) and power heads to get the bacteria going but not to really cook out anything because there is nothing there to cook.

I want to go BB and this is my equipment line up:

100 gallon sump
H&S A-200 External SKimmer
Iwaki 100 RLT on Four penductors (return pump and I know its big but I hate closed loops) return
Wave Box (Tunze)
3 -6080's (Tunze)
2 6100's (Tunze)
Red Sea Ozonizer
Aquacontroller II
2 250 watt 14K hamilton SE with Luminarc III
3 36 inch VHO actinics
Schuran Jetstram 1 reactor

The internal flow with everything going will be nearly 120 X turn over in an hour but I will be programing the wave box and 6100's as well as throttling the penductors to acheive about 60-80 depending on the time of day (lower at night)

I am not using starboard and instead will paint the bottom of the stand black.

Is ozone ok in a BB tank is one question I have.

And can you give me any other advice from your experience?
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Konadog said:
SeanT, are you still going to post a "how to" setup of a BB tank, or do you still need arm twisting?

I realize that it's tough to do, as there are many ways to do this with success, but I am interested in how you did it.

Here ya go.

MiddletonMark said:

Of course, I'm not going to stop you from twisting Sean's arm. As they say `two threads are better than one'
For you too Mark. ;)

As my tank site will never get done [it seems], I promise I'll write one after that's done :p

Nice threads, both of you. :thumbsup: Moving the discussion forward.