A take on BB methodology.

galleon said:
The stuff lays down a huge base before the little branches start popping up. :D A huge base that has to support branches like this at the highest energy zone on the reef:


Interesting point.

I've been noting a lot how some Acropora [staghorns esp ... green slimer], when fragged, seem to sprout quite a number of new branchlets fairly rapidly from either right next to the cut/broken area or from the `stump' itself.

Would you feel this is a similar reaction - that the coral responds to the broken branch by altered coralite growth/branch development in the surrounding area?

I'm sure increased light/flow would have something to do with it - yet I can't say my puny slimer colony has such density/shading to make the reaction I feel I'm seeing.

Not sure how this relates to BB, but I'm not sure how the palmata does either.
just dave said:
The encrusting could be a response to increased flow.

That is definitely a big part of it. Corals will also more quickly encrust non-algae coated rock (with the exception of some coralline algaes).
kimoyo said:
I've heard many times how the DSB people use to bash anyone who suggested anything else other than DSB. Maybe all this bashing was before my time, I've only been following this website for a year (and the SPS forum less) but all I've seen (especially in this forum) is how BB's work and DSB's don't.
I apologize and take this back. I read some questionable and random stuff from an expert today.
diverrad said:
LOL yea me too I cant wait to see what he has to say tonight

But, arent you doing the same thing that you claim Eric is doing. "Making blanket statements that cannot be justified"

Yes JBNY has an absolutely amazing tank but did you ever see his fish room and all the equipment he needs and additives to keep that DSB going ?

I think both sides of this discussion are making untrue and unjustified statements.
I don't see your point, sorry what are you trying to say?

Yes JBNY has and amazing DSB tank , Yes it takes a lot of equipment and really good husbandry to do it, what is wrong with that statement ?

As far as wanting to see what Eric can say again what is wrong with that ?
But, arent you doing the same thing that you claim Eric is doing. "Making blanket statements that cannot be justified"

not me man I never said that.

saying things like BB tanks have the highest nutrients and All DSBs will fail those are blanket statements. Saying that some has a nice tank and works hard at it is not.
What was you point anyway did it help the discuttion in any way or was just yet another finger pointing post like this one :)
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we got em but my wife wont let me near them, said something about destroying illusions or something like that.
diverrad said:
we got em but my wife wont let me near them, said something about destroying illusions or something like that.

popping bubbles

pop pop pop pop pop

LOL you're not going to turn my air off are you?? :eek1:
