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wrassie86 said:I had the same problems,going BB.I gave up after close to a year of many deaths,Most corals only lasting a few months.I was running close to 13,000 gph in 125g so dirt was not settling.
I did not cook my rock so i dont know if that was it or not.But i went back to a DSB and new rocks.as much flow as the sand can handle and my tank is thriving again.
I may try BB again because i liked it,but not for 2-5 years
Put me in that same boat Bomber says he doesn't think it was my nitrates 5-10ppm so I'm at a loss about my losses :lol: But I had STN around some bases and worse yet... tissue loss on coral tips... almost like they were getting burned somehow. The tissue would become very thin and then recede, next thing I knew I had diatoms on the exposed skeleton. Only some corals were affected others not at all It wasn't until I added sand back in and got my nitrates to 0 that the problem stopped. My ORA chips acro I had to frag back several times and has finally recovered and almost grown over the last of the algea
As I have stated before, I understand the logic of BB systems and actually liked the look ~ it was just a terribly frustrating experience for me.