? about CA reactor Ph of the effluent


Active member
ok well i got my reactor running the other day and i have a MRC-CR2 calcium reactor with a 10lb CO2 bottle a JBJ regulator and a PinPoint Ph monitor

my ? is what should the effluents Ph be coming out of the first chamber? i have an adapter that lets me put my Ph probe in the line between the first chamber and second chamber...

right now the Ph seems to stay around 6.5 coming outta the first chamber

is this right or should it be lower?

6.5-6.7 is usually a good range, but it depends what media you are using as some may dissolve at a higher pH. I use the geomarine crushed coral and I tend to shoot around 6.5 if I ever measure pH. Check your alk coming out of the reactor is should be ~40ish. In my experience chasing numbers within the reactor is a waste of time and they should only be used as ballpark numbers to get the reactor set. I have found it much easier to set the reactor by testing the tank and adjusting accordingly.
i'd say you are a-ok right where you are at. and i agree w/ chris.

test you alk (tank) and see where you are at. then tomorrow test your alk again and see if you dropped or raised. at least 2-4days check your alk and see what is up...you can dial it in from there
thanks guys well its at 6.5

i measured my Alk its at 9

and i measured my Ca and its at 420

this should be good my reactors been running now for 2 days and i hhad been dosing everyday some B-ionic to keep at those levels and it hasnt dropped so im assuming its keeping it level

how much of a bubble count should i have coming out of the CO2 bottle? right now its at about 45 BPM

and i have a drip rate on the effluent at about 75

i only have a few pieces of SPS right now and 2 4-5" Crocea clams along with some other various LPS which seem to be slow growers
drip rates on co2 and efluent will vary from setup to setup. like said earlier, test the tank and adjust as needed.
