acro melting tube snails


New member
i am sick of this parasite. does anybody know of any possible predator of these snails?

i have superglued them, epoxied them, snapped them off and jumped up and down on them.
they just seem to find another way though the rock. is my only option to replace the rocks?

this sux
no pix but they are little calcerous tubes (approx 1/4" across) that releases sweeping stinging tentacles (they look like spider-webs) that attack/ collect anything they can. this is very bad for acropora flesh.
Wow never seen that species of worm.... can you get pics... would like to see them... also what kind of rock is it????? Fiji, Tonga, Marshall Island???? My recommendation would be try a natural predator to kill them.... a wrasse would be a good option... 6 line, 8 line, 12 line..... also arrow crabs eat bristle worms and I bet that they would eat these also...... Just my 2 cents....
Vermatid snails, they are not a predator.

They do not have stinging tentacles.
They do deploy a mucus web to gather food with.
Being webbed up can irratate corals after repeated encounters.

I suspect a predator of them would be an arrow crab, but I would not suggest one for any reef tank. You could add a wrasse and see if that could work for you.

Can you reduce the particles floating around in your water column ands starve them out ?
My wrasses, melanarus and 6-line don't pick at them normally but if I smash their tube they try to get at them like crazy. I used to smash all that I could get to, now, I let them be unless it seems like the SPS they're near seems to be effected.